If you’ve logged into Genshin Impact recently, you might have noticed a little more pink and purple on your screen than usual. Don’t worry, your graphics card is probably fine, but your stash of Primogems might not be. Indeed, Yae Miko, the head maiden of Grand Narukami Shrine and editor-in-chief of Yae Publishing House, is now in the game, bringing with her an impressive assortment of sparky-sakura abilities.

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Yae Miko is the game’s second Electro Catalyst user. Her Elemental Skill produces constant Electro DMG even when she’s off-field, while her Elemental Burst is one of the strongest singular attacks in the game. As such, Yae Miko is a support that can amp your team’s damage by a substantial amount; however, her unique playstyle means she isn’t the generalist support that some characters are, so let’s break down the teams that she functions best in.

Batteries Definitely Included

Many teams in Genshin Impact rely on a two-person core, with the other two team members being rather flexible. This is somewhat due to the fact that Elemental Resonances only require two characters of a particular element, but is also frequently due to specific synergies between pairs of characters (e.g. Hu Tao and Xingqiu, Xiao and Jean, etc.).

The double-Electro core of Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun takes advantage of both these aspects. They’ll naturally benefit from Electro Resonance and the extra Energy Recharge it provides, but the synergy of their kits is what’s truly shocking. Befitting her title as “Eternity’s servant and friend,” Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun enable and empower each other excellently.

You’ll want to use Yae Miko’s Burst as often as possible while playing her, but it can be difficult to charge with its Energy cost of 90. With Raiden Shogun, though, this high-cost Burst is actually an asset rather than a detriment. Raiden Shogun’s own Burst does more damage when your other party members have costly Bursts, and her Burst attacks will recharge everyone else’s Bursts (notably Yae Miko’s). With these mechanics, you should be able to cycle between Yae Miko’s and Raiden Shogun’s Bursts with little downtime, maximizing your damage.

Yae Miko’s Skill is also able to easily proc the passive component of Raiden Shogun’s Skill, packing each jolt from the Sesshou Sakura with a little extra voltage. When you do end up with downtime between their Bursts, this combination will still exist as a source of constant, significant Electro DMG.

Since the pairing of Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun is so self-sustaining, your options for the other two teammates are pretty open. Two Geo characters like Zhongli and Albedo would provide protection for your two Electro carries, along with further damage boosts from Geo Resonance and their own abilities. Alternatively, the inclusion of other supports like Bennett and Kazuha would make Yae Miko’s and Raiden Shogun’s damage skyrocket, while also providing valuable healing and crowd control. Consider who would best complement Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun in regards to the specific enemies you’re fighting, then you can put together a powerful team that works with your playstyle.

RELATED: Genshin Impact: Best Team Compositions For Raiden Shogun

Can I Overclock My Genshin Team?

Often considered one of the weaker Elements in Genshin Impact due to its Transformative Reactions, many players were hoping that Yae Miko would finally make Electro-focused teams more viable for endgame content. Did she succeed? Well, let’s just say that Yae Miko makes “high voltage” seem like more of an active threat than a warning.

A sample Electro team might look something like this: Yae Miko, Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara, and Sucrose. A fourth Electro character can be slotted into the last position if you really want to lean into the “God of Thunder” fantasy, but using an Anemo or Hydro character there instead is usually more fruitful (since you can shred enemies’ Electro RES with Swirls or trigger constant Electro-Charged Reactions). Yae Miko is obviously the centerpiece of this composition, but Raiden Shogun could perhaps be swapped for Fischl or Beidou if needed. Kujou Sara suits this team perfectly for buffing your Electro DMG (especially if you have Constellation Six), but Bennett could be used in a pinch as well.

This composition is incredibly engaging and can be a nice change of pace for players who are getting a little tired of Vaporize or Freeze teams. Be advised, though, that this team is rather mechanically demanding. It involves a lot of effort to make sure Yae Miko’s foxy totems are periodically refreshed, Raiden Shogun’s Skill is constantly active, Kujou Sara’s buff is always applied, Bursts are being used on cooldown, etc. Such an active playstyle might not be for everyone, but if you can tough it out then you’re sure to have a team that will give enemies flashbacks of war whenever they see an outlet.

Friends For The Foxes

If you broke your keyboard trying to manage the last team, oh boy, do we have some good news for you. Yae Miko actually functions well in another composition that demands much less input, meaning you can kick back, relax, and watch the Hilichurls fly.

Yae Miko is yet another character that can passively deal a lot of damage when off-field, thanks to her Sesshou Sakura totems. When you combine this ability with other characters who have similar functionalities, you’ll put together a team that makes you wonder if you’re playing Genshin Impact or a tower-defense game. Xiangling’s Guoba, Fischl’s Oz, Kokomi’s Bake-Kurage, and even Sucrose’s Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75 / Type II (a.k.a. Beth) all act like little minions you can leave on the field to do your dirty work for you.

Positioning all these implements next to each other will spawn consistent, varied Elemental Reactions that will do notable damage without you having to lift a finger. Remember, though, that Yae Miko’s Normal Attacks and her AOE Charged Attack have some juice of their own, so you might as well throw a few of those into the mix.

This composition works best against enemies that won’t stray too far away from your minion fight-club, so keep your own positioning in mind against enemies that frequently attempt to charge you.

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