Ningguang is a 4-star Catalyst-wielding Geo character in Genshin Impact. She is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, and an incredibly strong main-DPS Geo character. Pair her with Geo supports like Zhongli or Albedo, and this 5-star in disguise can carry you through some of the hardest fights.

Related: Genshin Impact: Best Builds For Ningguang

Let's take a look at what materials you will need to ascend and upgrade Ningguang's talents, as well as where to find them.

Ascension Materials for Ningguang

You will need the following materials to ascend Ningguang to level 90.

Gemstones and Boss Loot

  • 1 Prithiva Topaz Sliver
  • 9 Prithiva Topaz Fragment
  • 9 Prithiva Topaz Chunk
  • 6 Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
  • 46 Basalt Pillar

Common Items and Monster Drops

  • 168 Glaze Lily
  • 18 Recruit's Insignia
  • 30 Sergeant's Insignia
  • 36 Lieutenant's Insignia

Hero's Wit and Mora

  • 414 Hero's Wit
  • 420,000 Mora

Talent Materials for Ningguang

You will need the following materials to upgrade Ningguang's talents.


  • 9 Teachings of Prosperity
  • 63 Guide to Prosperity
  • 114 Philosophies of Prosperity

Monster Drops

  • 18 Recruit's Insignia
  • 66 Sergeant's Insignia
  • 93 Lieutenant's Insignia

Rare Items

  • Spirit Locket of Boreas
  • 3 Crown of Insight


  • 4,950,000

Where To Find Ningguang's Ascension and Talent Materials

Gemstones and Boss Loot

Prithiva Topaz Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones can be obtained from the Geo Hypostasis and Primo Geovishap bosses in Liyue. You will have to spend 40 Original Resin to obtain rewards from these bosses.

The Geo Hypostasis will also drop Basalt Pillars, so be sure to prioritize fighting this boss.

Common Drops and Books

Glaze Lilies are a Liyue specialty flower that usually grows near water. Check out this guide for quick and easy farming for Glaze Lilies.

Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Prosperity can be obtained from the Taishan Mansion Domain on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. You will need to spend 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin to obtain rewards from this domain. Additionally, lower-tier talent books can be combined into higher-tier versions at an alchemy station.

Recruit's, Sergeant's, and Lieutenant's Insignias can be obtained from Fatui Skirmishers. These enemies usually appear in groups of 3 to 4 and can be found all over Teyvat. You can use the Traveler's Handbook to search out specific locations of these enemies.

The higher-level materials can also be crafted from the level below them. Lieutenant's Insignias can be crafted from Sergeant's Insignias, and Sergeant's Insignias can be crafted from Recruit's Insignias.

Mora and Experience Books

To fully upgrade Ningguang, you will need a total of seven million Mora. This currency can be obtained from most activities in the game. The best place to gather Mora is the Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Wealth. You will need to spend 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin to obtain rewards from a Ley Line Outcrop, but it is the most efficient place to gather Mora.

To level up Ningguang to level 90, you will need the following Experience Books.

  • 414 Hero's Wit
  • 15 Adventurer's Experience
  • 12 Wanderer's Advice

Experience Books can be obtained from sources all throughout the game, but the best place to gather them is the Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Revelation. Like the Mora Ley Line, you will need to spend 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin to obtain rewards here.

Rare Items

Spirit Locket of Boreas is a drop from the weekly Wolf of the North Challenge. This item only has a chance to drop from this boss, which can make gathering enough of them difficult. Luckily, you can use Dream Solvent to convert other Wolf of the North materials into Spirit Locket of Boreas. Be sure to challenge this boss every week to fully upgrade Ningguang's talents.

Crown of Insight is a rare item that can only be obtained from time-limited events. These events usually happen after each major version update, so check back into the game frequently during events to get a Crown of Insight.

Next: Genshin Impact: How The Epitomized Path And Pity Systems Work