Xingqiu is a four-star sword-wielding hydro character in Genshin Impact. Players can add him to their team by recruiting Xingqiu through wishes or Paimon's Bargains shop.

Xingqiu's Elemental Burst enables incredibly high damage for pyro characters through the vaporize elemental reaction. Let's take a look at what materials you'll need to ascend Xingqiu and upgrade his talents.

Related: Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Playing As Xingqiu

Updated on December 27, 2021, by Kim Dailey: As a swift and equally fierce swordsman, Xingqiu is a popular character with players who like to flit across the battlefield, doling out devastating damage in record times. Because so many are looking to ascend Xingqiu to capitalize on his full potential, we've done our part to arrange all the info you'll need in one orderly space.

Xingqiu's Ascension Materials

Below is a chart of the ascension materials you will need to fully ascend Xingqiu to the current level cap of 90.

Ascension Phase Ascension Cost Varunada Lazarite Cleansing Hearts Silk Flowers Masks
1 20,000 Mora x1 Sliver NA x3 x3 Damaged Masks
2 40,000 Mora x3 Fragments x2 x10 x15 Damaged Masks
3 60,000 Mora x6 Fragments x4 x20 x12 Stained Masks
4 80,000 Mora x3 Chunks x8 x30 x18 Stained Masks
5 100,000 Mora x6 Chunks x12 x45 x12 Ominous Masks
6 120,000 Mora x6 Gemstones x20 x60 x24 Ominous Masks

Xingqiu's Talent Materials

Below are the materials you will need to upgrade Xingqiu's talents to level ten. Note that if you only want to level up one of his talents, you will only need a third of the materials listed below.

Talent Level Ascension Prerequisite Cost Masks Pamphlets Tail of Boreas Crown of Insight
1-2 2 12,500 Mora Damaged Masks x6 Teachings of Gold x3 NA NA
3 17,500 Mora
25,000 Mora
Stained Masks x3
Stained Masks x4
Guide To Gold x2
Guide To Gold x4
4 30,000 Mora
37,500 Mora
Stained Masks x6
Stained Masks x9
Guide To Gold x6
Guide To Gold x9
5 120,000 Mora
260,000 Mora
Ominous Masks x4
Ominous Masks x6
Philosophies of Gold x4
Philosophies of Gold x6
6 450,000 Mora
700,000 Mora
Ominous Masks x9
Ominous Masks x12
Philosophies of Gold x12
Philosophies of Gold x16

Where To Find Xingqiu's Ascension And Talent Materials

Related: Genshin Impact: Things You Should Know About Xingqiu


Varunada Lazurite Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones are a reward from the Oceanid Boss, Rhodeia. You will need to spend 40 Original Resin to obtain its rewards. Additionally, this boss will reward Cleansing Heart.

Common Drops

Silk Flowers can be found near Wangshu Inn and the Yujing Terrace in Liyue Harbor. They are a specialty flower in Liyue and you'll need a lot of them for a full Ascension, so be sure to gather Silk Flowers as often as possible.

Damaged, Stained, and Ominous Masks can be obtained from Hilichurls. You can find these enemies all over the map. Hilichurls can only drop stained and Ominous Masks at higher World Levels, but they can be obtained from an alchemy station by combining Damaged Masks.


Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Gold can be obtained from the Taishan Mansion Domain on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. You can combine lower-tier books for higher-tier versions at an alchemy station, so don't worry if you can't complete the most demanding level of this Domain yet.

Mora Cost

To fully upgrade Xingqiu's talents and ascend him to level 90, you will need roughly seven million Mora. Luckily, you can get Mora from most actions in the game, including quests, daily commissions, and the Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Wealth.

The Ley Line Outcrops can be found across the map, but their location changes each day. You can obtain rewards from them for 20 Original Resin.

Experience Books

Xingqiu will need the following experience books to reach level 90:

  • 414 Hero's Wit
  • 15 Adventurer's Experience
  • 12 Wanderer's Advice

The number of books listed above is the most efficient method to reach level 90, but you can do it with any combination of experience books. These can be obtained from daily activities and Ley Line Outcrop: Blossom of Revelation.

Rare Items

The Tail of Boreas is a rare item that has a chance to drop from the Wolf of the North Challenge in Wolvendom. You will need a total of 18 of these items to upgrade Xingqiu's talents, so be sure to challenge this Domain every week.

The final item you will need to upgrade Xingqiu's talents to level 10 is a Crown of Insight. These rare items can only be obtained from time-limited events, so check back often to ensure you don't miss out on getting one.

Next: Genshin Impact Complete Guide And Walkthrough