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Destiny 2's Season of the Plunder released its third set of Seasonal Challenges, weekly Triumphs that grant Star Chart upgrades, XP, and Bright Dust when completed. These challenges serve as your main source of Bright Dust throughout the season and a major source of Season Pass ranks.

Related: Destiny 2 Season Of The Plunder: All Week 2 Seasonal Challenges

This week, players will need to defeat Champions, play PvP matches, and complete sub-objectives in the seasonal Ketchcrash activity. Quite a bit of XP+ bundles are available this week, so anyone looking to unlock the rest of their Artifact or progress their Season Pass will want to complete these challenges. Here is a guide on how to complete all ten of Season of the Plunder's third set of Seasonal Challenges.

Antiquarian III

Antiquarian III: Return the third relic to the H.E.L.M. Also, defeat Cabal. Defeating them with finishers will award bonus progress.


  • Repute
  • 25,000 XP

As with previous Antiquarian challenges, you'll receive the third relic by progressing the seasonal quest and completing the third pirate hideout. Be sure to deposit the relic at the H.E.L.M. to get progress towards this challenge. You can deposit the relic at the table across from the Star Chart.

After the relic has been found, you'll need to defeat 250 Cabal across all of Destiny 2's PvE activities. Finishers count as multiple kills, so try to use finishers whenever you can. We recommend the Proving Grounds strike on Nessus for fast progress. Before you do that, complete your three strike matches for the weekly Pinnacle drop; there's a chance you'll get a Battleground, a type of strike that's filled with hundreds of Cabal enemies.

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Sextant Navigation I

Sextant Navigation I: Collect Map Fragments and Treasure Coordinates during Season of the Plunder. Earn Map Fragments in Ketchcrash and Treasure Coordinates through ritual activities.


  • 12,500 XP

This Seasonal Challenge is retroactive.

Collect seasonal currency to finish this challenge. Since Sextant Navigation is retroactive, you likely have this finished already if you've been actively playing Ketchcrash. If not, you can earn Map Fragments by completing the Ketchcrash activity. Treasure Coordinates drop from all non-seasonal activities—Gambit, Crucible, Vanguard Ops, Throne World activities, etc. You'll need to have collected 60 Map Fragments and 600 Treasure Coordiantes throughout the season to finish this challenge.

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Ketchcrasher I

Ketchcrasher I: In Ketchcrash, destroy shield generators in the Maintenance Bay, hack terminals in the Treasure Hoard, and destroy storage tanks in Ether storage.


  • Repute
  • 12,500 XP

When you board the enemy Ketchcrash near the start of the mission, you'll be given two of the three listed objectives on this Seasonal Challenge. To finish Ketchcrasher I, you'll need to:

  • Destroy five shield generators.
  • Hack five terminals.
  • Destroy ten storage tanks.

The encounters you get will be up to RNG, but it shouldn't take you many runs to finish this challenge; simply focus on the encounter itself to make as much progress as possible.

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Related: The Best Exotics For Hunters In Destiny 2, Ranked


Cannonade: Defeat targets with Machine Guns. Defeating combatants in Expedition and defeating Guardians will award bonus progress.


  • 12,500 XP

Cannonade requires you to defeat 150 enemies with Machine Guns in any activity, Expedition and Guardian kills granting more progress. We recommend farming Expedition to get this done quickly. Some of the best Machine Guns for add clear include Thunderlord, Corrective Measure, and Grand Overture.

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Nessus Activities

Nessus Activities: On Nessus, earn progress by completing bounties, patrols, public events, and Lost Sectors.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

If you completed the previous Europa challenge, you know what to expect here. We recommend grabbing the three daily bounties from Failsafe and farming nearby Lost Sectors until the challenge is finished. If you don't mind waiting, consider farming Nessus Legendary Lost Sectors when they're available to passively finish this challenge.

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Power Broker

Power Broker: Reach Power Level 1,570 by earning powerful rewards and Prime Engrams.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

This Seasonal Challenge is retroactive.

Power Level 1,570 is Season of the Plunder's hard cap, achieved by earning Powerful Gear from weekly milestones. The Artifact's Power Level does not contribute to this challenge. If you're a returning Destiny 2 player, check out our Power leveling guide for tips on how to reach the hard cap quickly. And if you played last season but narrowly missed the 1,570 cap, use the Gift of Thunder chest in the H.E.L.M. to get a set of 1,570 gear—provided you are currently 1,560 Power or above.

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Related: Destiny 2: Ability Cooldowns And Super Tiers Explained

Mid-Range Calibration

Mid-Range Calibration: Calibrate mid-range weapons—Hand Cannons, Glaives, Auto Rifles, Fusion Rifles, Machine Guns—on Nessus. Bonus progress for rapidly defeating combatants.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Defeat 200 enemies on Nessus with mid-range weapons to finish this challenge. Since the Cannonade challenge requires you to land Machine Gun kills on Nessus, we recommend using Machine Guns to finish this challenge. Go to Failsafe, buy a few daily bounties, then farm a nearby Lost Sector with your Machine Gun. You'll be completing multiple Seasonal Challenges at once.

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Primeval Entourage

Primeval Entourage: Defeat Taken in Gambit. Earn bonus progress for defeating tougher combatants.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

This challenge requires you to defeat 100 Taken, at least when viewed on the API, yet most Taken enemies in Gambit are Blockers or Envoys—tougher foes that grant far more progress than you'd expect. Completing your weekly Gambit Pinnacle should be all the time you need to finish this. Focus on killing Blockers whenever they spawn, and kill any Envoys that spawn throughout the Primeval phase.

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Iron Sharpens Iron

Iron Sharpens Iron: Complete Crucible matches. Earn bonus progress in Iron Banner and for victories.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Unlike previous seasons, Iron Sharpens Iron can be finished by playing any Crucible playlist, not just Iron Banner. This should make missing the two Iron Banner weeks in a season much less painful. The challenge itself requires you to finish 20 PvP matches, wins and Iron Banner games granting far more progress. We recommend farming Iron Banner whenever it's up, but we find Mayhem and Momentum Control to be more relaxed experiences when they're active. If none of these activities are currently live, farm Rumble.

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Ultimate Champion

Ultimate Champion: Defeat Champions in any Nightfall strike on Hero difficulty or higher. Earn bonus progress at higher difficulty tiers.


  • 25,000 XP
  • 75 Bright Dust

Ultimate Champion requires 60 Champion final blows, higher-tier Nightfalls granting more progress. For most players, we recommend farming Hero-tier Nightfalls or Legend Lost Sectors by yourself—whichever you prefer. Both activities have fairly weak Champions you can easily kill with the right loadout. For Nightfalls, any hard-hitting weapons will work fine. For Legend Lost Sectors, use weapons that match the elemental burn.

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Next: Destiny 2: Every Weapon In Season Of The Plunder