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Klee is the fiery young Knights of Favonius member in Genshin Impact that is constantly causing trouble for Jean. She is a Pyro five-star catalyst and does most of her fighting using cute bombs. This is also her preferred way of fishing and how she accidentally terrified poor Razor. Like most characters in the game, raising Klee to level 90 and getting all of her talents maxed out can be quite the task.

Related: Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Playing As Klee

To make things just a bit easier for you, the guide below lets you know the items you will need to get Klee completely leveled up and where to find them. Keep in mind that this will also cost you a fair bit of mora and resin.

Updated July 26, 2022 by Jacob Whaling: With the return of the Golden Apple Archipelago and Klee's banner, we've updated this guide with all the information you need about fully upgrading Klee's Ascension and Talent levels.

Klee's Ascension Materials

Ascension Phase Required Materials Max Level Base HP (At Max Level) Base ATK (At Max Level) Base DEF (At Max Level) Total Bonus Pyro Damage
  • N/A
20 2077 63 124 None
  • 20,000 Mora
  • 1x Agnidus Agate Sliver
  • 3x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 3x Divining Scroll
40 4136 125 247 None
  • 40,000 Mora
  • 3x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 10x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 15x Divining Scroll
  • 2x Everflame Seed
50 5319 161 318 7.2%
  • 60,000 Mora
  • 6x Agnidus Agate Fragment
  • 20x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 12x Sealed Scroll
  • 4x Everflame Seed
60 6673 202 399 14.4%
  • 80,000 Mora
  • 3x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 30x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 18x Sealed Scroll
  • 8x Everflame Seed
70 7870 238 470 14.4%
  • 100,000 Mora
  • 6x Agnidus Agate Chunk
  • 45x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 12x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 12x Everflame Seed
80 9076 274 542 21.6%
  • 120,000 Mora
  • 6x Agnidus Agate Gemstone
  • 60x Philanemo Mushroom
  • 24x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 20x Everflame Seed
90 10287 311 615 28.8%

To completely ascend Klee to level 90, you will need to shell out quite a bit of mora and experience books. Below are all the items you need to collect to level Klee up and the total amount of mora you are looking at spending.

Wanderer's Advice 12
Adventurer's Experience 15
Hero's Wit 414
Mora Cost 1,673,400

This is the basic rundown of the average amount of experience books used to ascend a character - of course, the amount can change if you end up with more Hero's Wit than Adventurer's Experience.

Related: Genshin Impact - Best Build For Klee

Klee's Talent Materials

Talent Level Materials Needed
  • N/A
  • 12,500 Mora
  • 6x Divining Scroll
  • 3x Teachings of Freedom
  • 17,500 Mora
  • 3x Sealed Scroll
  • 2x Guide to Freedom
  • 25,000 Mora
  • 4x Sealed Scroll
  • 4x Guide to Freedom
  • 30,000 Mora
  • 6x Sealed Scroll
  • 6x Guide to Freedom
  • 37,500 Mora
  • 9x Sealed Scroll
  • 9x Guide to Freedom
  • 120,000 Mora
  • 4x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 4x Philosophies of Freedom
  • 1x Ring of Boreas
  • 260,000 Mora
  • 6x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 6x Philosophies of Freedom
  • 1x Ring of Boreas
  • 450,000 Mora
  • 9x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 12x Philosophies of Freedom
  • 2x Ring of Boreas
  • 700,000 Mora
  • 12x Forbidden Curse Scroll
  • 16x Philosophies of Freedom
  • 2x Ring of Boreas
  • 1x Crown of Insight

With these materials, you'll be able to fully upgrade only one of Klee's talents. If you're looking to max out all three of Klee's talents, you'll need three times the amount of materials listed above.

Related: Genshin Impact: Best Catalysts for Klee

Where To Find Klee's Ascension And Talent Materials

Agnidus Agate

Agnidus Agate Slivers, Fragments, Chunks, and Gemstones can be obtained by defeating normal and weekly bosses, and completing daily commissions. The following bosses drop Agnidus Agate materials according to your World Level.

Overall, the Pyro Regisvine will be the most efficient boss to farm for gathering Klee's materials. Claiming rewards from normal bosses costs 40 Original Resin, so be sure to have some handy before you fight them.

Philanemo Mushrooms

Philanemo Mushrooms are a specialty of Mondstadt, and can be found on houses and towers around this area. Search around Mondstadt castle and villages in the region for your best chances of gathering Philanmo Mushrooms.

Divining, Sealed, and Forbidden Curse Scrolls

Scrolls are a common drop from Samachurl enemies, which are usually found in groups of one or two with other Hilichurl-type enemies. These monsters are found all over Teyvat, so gathering Scrolls shouldn't be difficult.

Related: Genshin Impact: Best Team Composition For Klee

Everflame Seed

Everflame Seeds are dropped from the Pyro Regisvine normal boss. This boss can be found in Cuijue Slope, and, like other normal bosses, costs 40 Original Resin to obtain rewards from. Bring strong Hydro characters like Xingqiu and Yelan to quickly defeat the Pyro Regisvine.

Teachings, Guides, and Philosophies of Freedom

Freedom talent books are found in the Forsaken Rift Domain of Mastery just below Springvale on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. Obtaining rewards here will cost 20 Original Resin or 1 Condensed Resin. Additionally, lower rarity books can be combined into higher rarity versions at an alchemy station.

Ring of Boreas

Ring of Boreas is a weekly boss drop that can be obtained from the Wolf of the North boss fight. This boss fight is unlocked after completing Razor's story quest, The Meaning of Lupical. You can only challenge Andrius once a week, so be sure to defeat this boss every week to get the materials you need for Klee.

Crown of Insight

Finally, to upgrade Klee's talents to the final level, you will need three Crowns of Insight. These can only be obtained through limited-time events, or by delivering offerings to the Frostbearing Tree, Sacred Sakura, and Lumenstone Adjuvant. Check back into the game regularly so you don't miss a chance at getting a Crown of Insight.

Next: Genshin Impact Complete Guide And Walkthrough