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Ever wanted to express your Warrior of Light's true self to your closest friends or random strangers? With Adventurer Plates, now you can! These new additions to Final Fantasy 14 are customizable profiles you can create to showcase different information and styles to other players.

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Whether you use it as a business card or social media bio, Adventurer Plates have a little something for everyone. Let's take a look at how to create and customize one, what you can display on it, and what they are used for.

Updated August 28, 2022: With the release of patch 6.2 and the official launch of Adventurer Plates, we've updated this guide with information on all the new changes to Plates and Portraits, including how to use custom Portraits with different gear sets.

How To Create An Adventurer Plate

To get started customizing your Adventurer Plate, open the Character Menu by selecting the button on the bottom right corner of the screen. Then, select the Adventurer Plate option.

Doing this will open up the default Adventurer Plate with a default portrait of your Warrior of Light. To customize the design of your plate, select Edit Plate Design. From here, you can change various display options of your Adventurer Plate.

If you select the Edit Profile option, you can change the information displayed on your Adventurer Plate. You can choose your favorite Class or Job, favorite title, your playstyle (dungeons, raids, crafting, etc.), and your active hours on weekdays and weekends. The level of your favorite listed Job, Grand Company Rank, server, and search comment will also be displayed.

Customize this information to show other players when you are usually online, and what you usually do in the game. This can be helpful for finding new friends, recruiting for raid parties, and more!

If the default customization options aren't enough for you, you can also purchase new Plate options at a variety of vendors, or earn them through activities like PvP.

How To Create Custom Portraits

Portraits are customizable photos you can take of your character. Here, you can change your character's pose and expression, as well as the design of the portrait. Additionally, there are several lighting settings you can change around.

To make a Portrait for your Adventurer Plate, click the 'Edit Portrait' option on the Plate sub-menu. Here, you can edit the Portrait's background, frame, and accent, as well as the position, expression, and lighting of your character.

If you select the 'Reflect Current Gear' option at the bottom of this window, your Plate Portrait will be updated with your currently equipped Glamour. If you want your Adventurer Plate to display a specific Job's gear, select the 'Reflect Current Gear' option when equipped with that Job.

Gear Set Portraits

Additionally, in the 'Portraits' menu, you can create custom Portraits that are tied to your gear sets. In this menu, you can select any of your available Gear Sets and create a custom Portrait for it, using that Job's currently equipped gear.

Additionally, these Portraits come with the 'Use as Instant Portrait' toggle, which allows you to use the custom Portrait in PvP matches. As an Instant Portrait, the customized picture will be used when loading into Crystalline Conflict matches, and will reflect the Portrait customized for your currently equipped gear set. If Instant Portrait is unchecked, the default settings will be displayed instead.

How To Import Portrait Settings

After creating a custom Portrait for one gear set, you may wish to copy those settings to other gear sets, for a uniform appearance across your different jobs. To do this, you can import a Portrait's settings by right-clicking on the gear set whose Portrait you wish to change in the Portraits menu, and selecting 'Import Settings'.

From this window, select the gear set whose settings you wish to use as the source. These settings will then be applied to the target gear set, allowing you to change the settings without the hassle of editing each individual option.

How To Add A Comment To Your Adventurer Plate

Search Comments are essentially profile statuses you can add to your Adventurer Plate to say something about yourself. You can state your main Jobs, if you're looking for a Raid static, or tell your favorite joke. Search Comments add a bit more personality to your Plate, and let others know what you're thinking.

To add a Search Comment, simply click the button 'Edit Search Comment' when on the Adventurer Plate edit page. Here, you can type up to 60 characters about anything you want. Clicking 'Confirm' will add the comment to your Plate for all to see.

Alternatively, you can add Search Comments through the following method. First, go to the 'Social' menu, then choose 'Player Search'. Go to 'Party Members' and right-click on your name before selecting 'Edit Search Info'.

Here, you can add a Search Comment, which is what will automatically be displayed on your Adventurer Plate!

What Are Adventurer Plates Used For?

As mentioned above, Adventurer Plates are mainly used for showing off to other players. You can show other players what times you are online, and what types of activities you like to do.

Additionally, when entering the new Crystalline Conflict PvP matches, each team's selected Instant Portrait will be displayed. Choose a picture that best represents your Warrior of Light to show other players just what kind of blood-thirsty killer they're dealing with.

How To Unlock More Adventurer Plate Options

It won't be long before you come across a player with an Adventurer Plate that you look upon rather enviously, so where exactly are they getting these extra designs? You can unlock additional Adventurer Plate elements in a variety of ways, including completing quests and duties.

For example, you can purchase role-specific Farmer's Kits using Trophy Crystals earned via PvP from the Crystal Quartermaster in the Wolves' Den Pier at (X:4.5, Y:6.1) and then apply them to your portraits.

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