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The Tam-Tara Deepcroft is a level 16 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14. This is the second dungeon of the game, and will have you exploring a crypt in Central Shroud for signs of a dangerous cult. You will explore this dungeon with a group of yourself and three other players or Duty Support NPCs.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: Novice Network Guide

While the Tam-Tara Deepcroft isn't any more difficult than Sastasha, it isn't quite as straightforward. Let's take a look at how to complete every objective in this dungeon and how to defeat each boss you will encounter.

How To Unlock The Tam-Tara Deepcroft

This dungeon is unlocked through the following main story quest.

  • Accept the Main Scenario Quest 'Fire in the Gloom'
    • NPC Location: Mother Miounne - New Gridania (X: 11.7, Y:13.5)

Dungeon Walkthrough

As you make your way through the Tam-Tara Deepcroft, you will encounter many groups of wandering enemies that should be grouped up and killed. If you are running this dungeon at the recommended level of 16, we recommend only pulling a few enemies at a time so as not to be overwhelmed.

Besides that, continue through the dungeon while searching for Treasure Coffers that contain useful items and gear.

Cultist Orbs

After you've killed your way to the Greenwood Alter, you will find a Cultist Orb guarded by a Dalamud Priest and two Gravediggers. Your main objective in the Tam-Tara Deepcroft is to destroy all four Cultist Orbs in the dungeon. To destroy it, first deal with the enemies guarding it. When they are defeated, they will spawn a Void Soulcounter that will use the following two attacks.

  • Enthunder: The Void Soulcounter will add lightning damage to its auto-attacks, increasing their damage. This attack can be interrupted to prevent the Soulcounter from applying this buff.
  • Condemnation: The Void Soulcounter will deal damage in a short cone to its front, dealing damage. This attack can be avoided by moving outside the area of effect (AoE) indicator.

Repeat this process for the second Cultist Orb. When you reach the Wormwood Altar, you will at first be blocked by a Sealed Barrier. To break the barrier, continue down the path until you reach the Ak-Mena Tomb, where four enemies will be guarding the Cultist Rosary. Defeat these enemies, pick up the Cultist Rosary, and head back to the barrier.

After un-sealing the barrier, you will now face two groups of enemies guarding two Cultist Orbs. Group all of these enemies up and defeat them to summon one last Void Soulcounter, who will use the same attacks as before. After defeating this enemy, destroy the Cultist Orbs to open the path to the final boss.

Galvanth The Dominator

The final boss of the Tam-Tara Deepcroft is Galvanth the Dominator. This boss will summon enemies at 25 percent health intervals, so be prepared. Galvanth the Dominator will use the following attacks and mechanics

  • Water: This is Galvanth's auto-attack that will be repeatedly used on its main target, which should be the Tank. This attack can be interrupted by stunning the boss while it is casting.
  • Mind Blast: Deals damage in a large area around the boss and inflicts the Paralysis debuff. Move outside the AoE indicator to avoid this attack.
  • Additional Enemies: As mentioned above, Galvanth will spawn additional enemies when its health reaches 75, 50, and 25 percent. The enemies summoned changes at each interval
    • At 75 percent health, Galvanth will summon one Imp enemy that will then tether to the boss, making Galvanth invulnerable. Defeat the Imp to continue dealing damage to the boss.
    • At 50 percent health, Galvanth will summon another tethered Imp and a few Skeleton and Miteling enemies. Kill all these enemies before returning to the boss.
    • At 25 percent health, Galvanth will summon two tethering Imps and several additional enemies. Focus on the Imps first, then group all the additional enemies near the boss and use AoE attacks to damage them all at once.

Galvanth will periodically use Mind Blast throughout the fight, but otherwise, your main focus will be to defeat the additional enemies when they spawn. After defeating Galvanth the Dominator, the Tam-Tara Deepcroft will be completed.

Next: Final Fantasy 14: Complete Guide