Akh Afah Amphitheatre is a level 50 trial in Final Fantasy 14, originally released in patch 2.4. Following Ysayle to the Amphitheatre, you discover her connection to the primal Shiva. To overcome this trial, you'll have to battle the transformed Lady Iceheart in her true form as the Primal of Ice.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: The Bowl Of Embers (Hard) Guide

As one of the final A Realm Reborn era trials, you'll have to put all the skills you've learned to the test. You'll need to prepare if you plan on taking down Shiva, so let's go over each of Shiva's attacks and mechanics, and how to defeat her.

How To Unlock Akh Afah Ampitheatre (Hard)

This trial unlocks through the main story after completing the following quest.

  • Complete the Main Scenario Quest 'The Instruments of Our Deliverance'
    • NPC Location: Minfilia - The Solar, The Waking Sands (x:6, y:5)

Trial Walkthrough

Throughout the fight, Shiva will switch between two weapons; Staff, and Sword and Shield. She will gain a buff depending on which weapon she has equipped.

  • Staff: Increases damage dealt.
  • Sword and Shield: Grants a regenerating effect and reduces damage taken.

Phase 1

During Phase 1, Shiva will have access to the following attacks. Soon after the battle begins, Shiva will equip her Staff, and will periodically switch between this weapon and her Sword and Shield.

  • Hail Storm: Shiva will mark random players with an icicle. After a few seconds, the icicle will explode, dealing damage in a circle around the affected players. Spread out to avoid overlapping this AoE.
    • Shiva will only use this attack when she is equipped with her Staff.
  • Icicle Impact: Shiva will create four circle AoEs around the edge of the arena and one AoE in the center. After a short delay, the icicles will drop, dealing damage to any player inside the circle. Find the safe spots between the four circles around the edges of the arena to avoid this attack.
  • Dreams of Ice: Shiva will use Dreams of Ice to grant herself a stacking damage buff throughout the fight. This mechanic acts as a soft-enrage; she will deal significantly more damage at higher stacks of Dreams of Ice, making it harder to survive her attacks.
  • Absolute Zero: Shiva will deal low damage to all party members. Heal as necessary.
  • Ice Brand: Shiva will deal high damage in a cone in front of her. The main Tank should face Shiva away from the rest of the party to avoid damaging them with Ice Brand.
    • Shiva will only use this attack when she is equipped with her Sword and Shield.
  • Ice Soldiers: Shiva will summon four Ice Soldiers when she reaches roughly 60 percent health. These enemies will continuously attack the player they are targeting. When the Soldiers are summoned, the main Tank should pull Shiva away from the rest of the party while the off-Tank groups up the Soldiers. Then, the DPS should kill the Ice Soldiers as quickly as possible.
  • Diamond Dust: At around 45 percent remaining health, Shiva will become untargetable and freeze all party members. Then, she will use her signature move, Diamond Dust, dealing high damage that increases based on how quickly you defeated the Ice Soldiers. If any Soldiers are still alive at this time, your party will be instantly killed. After Diamond Dust, the fight will move into Phase 2.

Phase 2

The second half of the fight begins immediately after Shiva uses Diamond Dust. During this phase, she will add the following attacks to her arsenal.

  • Heavenly Strike: Shiva will deal low damage to all party members and knock them back slightly.
  • Glacier Bash: Shiva deals damage in a frontal cleave that stuns all hit players. Avoid this attack in the same way as Ice Brand; have the main Tank face Shiva away from the rest of the party.
  • Ice Wall: Shiva will cover the edge of the arena with ice, freezing any player that enters it. Stay away from the edge of the arena, and be sure not to be knocked into the ice wall when Shiva uses Heavenly Strike.
  • Icicle Impact 2: This attack is similar to the first time Shiva uses it, but must be avoided differently. This time, Shiva will create six AoEs around the edge of the arena and one in the center, leaving no gaps to avoid the icicles. Instead, stand in the center of the arena and wait for the first icicles to drop. Then, quickly move to the newly created safe spot where the icicles just were. Stay there while the rest of the icicles drop to avoid the rest of this attack.
  • Permafrost: Shiva will cover the floor of the arena in a thin layer of ice. Moving in any direction on this ice will force you to slide a short distance. Avoid moving while Permafrost is in effect. If you need to move, make sure you don't slide into the ice wall.

Shiva will use these abilities in a loop until she is defeated. Remember to face Shiva away from the rest of the party and avoid falling icicles, and you'll be able to complete this trial.

Next: Final Fantasy 14: The Howling Eye (Hard) Guide