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Hunts have been around in Final Fantasy 14 since patch 2.3, Defenders of Eorzea, and have always been a decent way to earn extra experience and fight new, formidable foes. However, they were never really a "go-to" source for steady, consistent EXP until Shadowbringers with the Nutsy Clan Hunts.

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Still, with Hunts being around for more than six years at this point, they have become more critical with each expansion than ever before, offering unique items and equipment, as well as that precious EXP. While Hunts aren't the only option for power leveling your Job, it's undoubtedly one of the most fun and relatively easy methods out there.

Getting Started

Before starting Hunts in Final Fantasy 14, you must first rank up your Grand Company level to at least Second Lieutenant, which can take quite a bit of time if you have never interacted with it before. Leveling your Grand Company rank requires you to turn in Grand Company Seals to the Personnel Officer of your respective company. You can earn Grand Company Seals by completing Levequests, Hunting Logs, Supply, Provisioning missions, and more!

After reaching the ranking of Second Lieutenant, you can finally start taking on Hunts by starting the mission "Let the Hunt Begin." You will no longer have to level up your Grand Company Rank to participate in the expansion Hunts from that point onward. Instead, Hunts will be gated off by your Disciple of War or Magic level and MSQ progress.

A Realm Reborn

As touched on earlier, Hunts were first introduced in A Realm Reborn with patch 2.3. You needed to reach some long-winded requirements before accessing The Hunt, which still remains the case if you need to level up your Grand Company level. Below are the highlights of what you need to do to access Hunts in A Realm Reborn.


  • Disciples of War or Magic, Level 50
  • Grand Company, Second Lieutenant

Starting Quest

  • Let the Hunt Begin (50)


  • Twin Adder: New Gridania - Adder's Nest (X:10, Y:11.5)
  • Maelstrom: Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - Maelstrom Command (X:12.8, Y:12.8)
  • Immortal Flames: Ul'dah - Steps of Nald - Hall of Flames (X:8.6, Y:9.4)

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Heavensward, Final Fantasy 14's first expansion, added Clan Hunts into the mix, dropping the Grand Companies from being the overarching connection between the player and the Hunt. However, you would still need to complete "Let the Hunt Begin" before accessing Clan Hunts, which means you need to be at least a Second Lieutenant or higher within your respective Grand Company.


  • Complete "Let the Hunt Begin"
  • Disciples of War or Magic, Level 53


  • Let the Clan Hunt Begin (53) - Foundation (X:12, Y:11)
  • Better Bill Hunting (56) - Foundation (X:12, Y:11)
  • Top Marks (59) - Idyllshire (X:6, Y:6)
  • Elite and Dangerous (60) - Foundation (X:13, Y:11)

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Stormblood didn't change much of the formula compared to Heavensward's Clan Hunts and offered "Veteran Clan Hunts," more challenging Hunts in the regions of the Heavensward expansion. While pretty much everything was handled the same, the Marks present in Veteran Clan Hunts offered some awesome rewards for its time.


  • Complete "Elite and Dangerous" (last Clan Hunt quest in Heavensward)
  • Disciples of War or Magic, Level 61


  • One-star Veteran Clan Hunt (61) - Kugane (X:10.3, Y:10.2)
  • Two-star Veteran Clan Hunt (63) - Kugane (X:10.3, Y:10.2)
  • Three-star Veteran Clan Hunt (66) - Kugane (X:10.3, Y:10.2)
  • Elite Veteran Clan Hunt (70) - Kugane (X:10.3, Y:10.2)

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The Hunts in Shadowbringers function similarly to previous expansions, except for a few minor things. First off, the primary currency paid out for defeating marks is Sacks of Nuts, and instead of having to complete every mission from the previous expansion's Hunts, you only need to unlock its board.


  • Complete "Elite and Dangerous" (last Clan Hunt quest in Heavensward)
  • Complete "One-star Veteran Clan Hunt" (first Veteran Clan Hunt quest in Stormblood)
  • Disciples of War or Magic, Level 70


  • Nuts to You (70) - The Crystarium (X:12.1, Y:15.0)
  • Two Nuts Too Nutty (73) - The Crystarium (X:9.5, Y:9.3)
  • How Do You Like Three Nuts (76) - The Crystarium (X:9.5, Y:9.3)
  • Too Many Nutters (80) - The Crystarium (X:9.5, Y:9.3)

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If you did the Hunts in Shadowbringers, the Endwalker Hunts won't throw anything out of the ordinary at you. The "SS" tier Mark makes its return, along with the Sacks of Nuts introduced in Shadowbringers. The only significant difference is the rewards, locations, and targets.


  • Complete "Elite and Dangerous" (last Clan Hunt quest in Heavensward)
  • Complete "One-star Veteran Clan Hunt" (first Veteran Clan Hunt quest in Stormblood)
  • Complete "Nuts to You" (first Nutsy Clan Hunt quest in Shadowbringers)
  • Complete "Old Sharlayan, New to You" (MSQ)
  • Disciples of War or Magic, Level 80


  • The Hunt for Specimens (80) - Old Sharlayan (X:11, Y:12)
  • That Specimen Came from the Moon (83) - Old Sharlayan (X:11.8, Y:13.2)
  • A Hunt for the Ages (89) - Old Sharlayan (X:11.8, Y:13.2)
  • Perfect Specimens (90) - Old Sharlayan (X:11.8, Y:13.2)

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