The lush Dravanian Forelands of Final Fantasy 14 are a narratively frightening place throughout the course of the Heavensward expansion, but they're really quite pretty. Odds are, you're going to revel in unlocking flight for every zone, but there's something majestic about the first time the Forelands are seen from above.

Related:Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker - Where To Find All Aether Currents In Thavnair

Is it the somber music? The ruins of a tragic realm? The ability to avoid all those pesky Gnath? Perhaps it's all three and more. Whatever the case may be, we've listed every aether current so you can soar as soon as FF14 will let you. Whether it's the field-based variety or its quest-based companions, keep this tab up and you're golden.

Just make sure to keep in mind that as of the launch of Endwalker, the field-based aether currents have been decreased from ten to four. If you stumble upon an older guide on the net that claims otherwise, it simply hasn't been updated yet to reflect the considerable change.

The Dravanian Forelands Aether Current Locations

Aether Currents Found On the Map

Aether Current Co-ordinates Notes
1 (X:37.8, Y:28.3) -
2 (X:31.2, Y:16.8) -
3 (X:12.9, Y:14.0) In the cavern at Mourn.
4 (X:30.6, Y:36.2) From the entrance, just past the second door.

Aether Currents Obtained Via Quests

Quest Name Quest Level Quest Location Notes
A A Lesson in Humility 53 (X:16.4. Y:23.0) Becomes available upon completion of main scenario quest 'A Gnathic Deity'.
B Some Bad News 52 (X:31.9, Y:23.9) Becomes available upon completion of main scenario quest 'Where Chocobos Roam'.
C The Hunter Becomes the Kweh 53 (X:31.9, Y: 23.9) Becomes available upon completion of main scenario quest 'A Gnathic Deity'.
D Stolen Munitions 52 (X:24.9, Y:19.7) Becomes available upon completion of main scenario quest The Nonmind'.
E Mourn in Passing 53 (X:23.0, Y:19.0) Becomes available upon completion of main scenario quest 'Lord of the Hive'.

Next:Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker - Tracks In The Snow Quest Walkthrough