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Ala Mhigo is a level 70 dungeon in Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood. Your long journey through the Far East and Gyr Abania has finally brought you to Ala Mhigo, where Zenos is waiting. Storm the city, destroy the Magitek machines that inevitably lie in your way, and confront Zenos yae Galvus.

Related: Final Fantasy 14: Castrum Abania Dungeon Guide

Ala Mhigo is the first level 70 dungeon of the expansion, and will have you fighting your way through AoEs of all sizes, new and dangerous mechanics, and other Magitek-flavoured weaponry. Let's take a look at each boss of Ala Mhigo, their attacks and mechanics, and how to beat them.

How To Unlock Ala Mhigo

Ala Mhigo is unlocked through the following quest.

  • Accept the Main Scenario Quest 'Stormblood'
    • NPC Location: Pipin - The Lochs (X:32.6, Y:22.9)

Dungeon Walkthrough

As you make your way through this dungeon, watch out for the additional groups of trash mobs that will periodically join the fight. The Tank should only pull as much as they and the Healer are comfortable with.

In the second half of this dungeon, you will come across Magitek Laserfields. These need to be destroyed to break the gate and progress to the other side. Try pulling trash mobs towards the Laserfields to allow DPS players to kill both at the same time.

Magitek Scorpion

The first boss of Ala Mhigo is the Magitek Scorpion. This Magitek weapon's attacks and mechanics are listed below.

  • Electromagnetic Field: Deals damage to all party members. Use AoE heals to recover.
  • Target Search: The boss will target each player with a large circular AoE that will follow them for a short time. Then, the AoE will lock on, exploding where it stopped and leaving behind a burning puddle that deals continuous damage. To avoid this attack, wait for the AoE to lock on, then quickly move outside the indicator.
  • Tail Laser: The boss will fire line AoEs to its front and back, dividing the arena into two halves. The line AoEs will persist for a while, and will deal damage if you enter the area. This attack will occur at the same time as Target Search, limiting the area you can move to avoid the lock on attack.

The Magitek Scorpion will repeat these attacks until it is defeated. These mechanics are straightforward, but can deal a lot of damage if you're not careful.

Aulus mal Asina

The second boss of Ala Mhigo is Aulus mal Asina. This mad scientist will use a few new mechanics, so proceed with caution. Aulus's attacks and mechanics are detailed below.

  • Mana Burst: Deals damage to all party members. Use AoE healing as necessary.
  • Order to Charge: Summons Magitek Bits around the arena in preparation for the next attack, Order to Fire.
  • Order to Fire: Causes the Magitek Bits to use a set of two different AoE attacks in succession. First, a point-blank AoE surrounding the Magitek Bits will occur, followed immediately after by a thin ring-shaped AoE that does more damage the closer to the edge of the AoE you are. To avoid these attacks, move away from the Magitek Bits when they spawn, then quickly move closer to them after the first AoE.
  • Magitek Disruptor: Aulus will stun all players and pull them towards himself.
  • Mindjack: Aulus will separate your soul and body, push you to the edge of the arena, and summon four Prototype Death Claws. You will need to make your way back to your body in the center of the arena while avoiding the Death Claws and the various line AoEs that will also be fired during this phase. After making it back to your body, destroy the Death Claws to make it easier for other players who are still Mindjacked.
  • Demimagicks: Targets all players with an AoE marker. Spread out to avoid overlapping these with other players.

Aulus will repeat these attacks until he is defeated. Destroy the Death Claws as soon as you are able to help your allies make it back to their bodies, and you'll be able to take down Aulus.

Zenos yae Galvus

The final boss of Ala Mhigo is Zenos. Near the beginning of the fight, Zenos will cover the outer edge of the arena in a puddle that will inflict Bleed on players who enter, dealing damage over time. Listed below are each of Zenos's attacks and mechanics.

  • Art of the Storm: Deals damage in an area around Zenos. Move away from him to avoid.
  • Art of the Swell: Knocks back players from Zenos. Move close to him to avoid being pushed into the edge.
  • Unmoving Troika: Deals high damage to the Tank. Use defensive cooldowns to mitigate the damage of this attack.
  • Art of the Sword: Targets all players with a line AoE from Zenos. Spread out to avoid overlapping these AoEs.
  • Veinsplitter: Zenos will attack with a large point-blank AoE before summoning four clones that will repeat this attack. Move near the edges of the arena to avoid getting hit.
  • Lightless Spark: Tethers to a random player before launching a large cone AoE in their direction. The tethered player should move away from the rest of the party, then quickly move out of the AoE indicator.
  • Concentrativity: Deals damage to all party members. Use AoE heals to recover.
  • Summon Swords: As Zenos reaches roughly 15 percent health, he will summon copies of his swords around the arena, in the forms of The Swell, The Storm, and Ame-no-Habakiri. Zenos will periodically send a clone to these Swords, causing them to attack with Art of the Swell, Art of the Storm, and Art of the Sword, respectively. At the same time, Zenos will begin charging Aether Transfer, building up the Duty Gauge. You will need to destroy all three Swords before the Duty Gauge is full.
    • When either the Duty Gauge is filled, or all three Swords have been destroyed, Zenos will use Storm, Swell, Sword, dealing damage according to how high his Aether Transfer Gauge is. If the Gauge is full, all party members will be instantly killed.

After destroying the swords, Zenos will continue to cast Concentrativity until he is defeated. Prepare to heal through these attacks as you deal the last bits of damage before Zenos is down.

Next: Final Fantasy 14: How To Get The Magitek Predator Mount