Bruisers, mages, assassins, supports and tanks. Next to the other more enticingly named classes, the tanks may seem a little bland, but don't let the stock standard name fool you, MultiVersus’ tank characters are no pushovers.

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For new players, tanks can be kept at bay with long range attacks, but more experienced players will keep their opponents close with lasso or laser. Tanks pair well with the faster, glass-cannon style assassin class and the zone-controlling mage class. But even in singles, tanks will have no trouble pummeling players and ringing out rookies if they get too close.

3/3 Iron Giant

If you’ve seen a MultiVersus match, you’ve seen the Iron Giant in action. Being twice as tall as any other character and twice as unique, the metal man has quickly become a poster child for the game. Listed as an “expert” character and costing 3000 gold to unlock, it's clear that there is a steep learning curve to climb if you want to master this machine. The Giant is the most tank-like tank in the game. His size makes him a target for projectiles and his fuel, bolts, and rage all have meter to monitor.

This mechanized marvel’s fuel is simply a round meter that fills while on ground and depletes while using his rocket boots - it’s essentially a stamina bar. His bolts are collected as drops from his ground attacks, and can be used to armour himself and his allies with his Bolt Friends neutral special. Iron Giant’s best power is tied to his rage meter - the meter charges when he, or his allies, take a hit. At full rage, the Giant goes into attack mode to protect his friends. Immune to knockback and with a new artillery moveset, rage mode is quite formidable.

2/3 Superman

Superman wasn’t always a tank, instead the Man of Steel was first classified as a bruiser. He’s definitely a brawler with his super-speed punches and vertical dodging. Superman’s jabs made him a mean bruiser, not unlike Super Smash Bros.’ Little Mac. Though he’s a tank now, close combat and fancy footwork remain key. Pack his pugilism in with ice breath, heat vision, and heavy armour, Big Blue is an aggressive zoner that can control both the skies and ground of most arenas.

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Against the more chaotic bruisers, like Jake and Taz, Supes’s ice breath followed by his lasers will slow troublemakers to a crawl. And when facing faster ones, like Finn or Bugs, aggressive grabbing and dodging comes in handy. In general, the Son of Krypton should be up-close and personal as his punches lack range.

1/3 Wonder Woman

A tank with some serious support leanings, Wonder Woman is a reliable choice for any match in singles or doubles. She gains armour from most attacks, and with the help of her down special, Defence of the Gods, she can negate the damage and knockback of any single hit to herself and her teammate. Couple this with massive hitboxes for her slashing and bicycle kicks, lasso for grappling, and wonderful off-stage recoveries, and it’s no surprise Wonder Woman is the only starting character that bears the “Recommended” badge.

But the Princess of the Amazons isn’t without her downsides, Diana’s heavy sword slashes are slower than most standard attacks and the long wind-ups ruin chances for colourful combos. Aiming the wide swings of her Sword of Athena, catching baddies with the backswing, and keeping her armour in check will make a good warrior into a wondrous one.

NEXT: Characters We Want To See In MultiVersus