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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak brings your hunter to a new region where you must help the people of Elgado Outpost against Malzeno, Lunagaron, Garangolm, and a whole roster of other monsters ready to destroy you. As you travel through the many hunting areas in this game, you must complete missions, challenges, and side quests.

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One of these side quests is "Violent Nature", a mission that will see you fighting against Astalos, one of the central monsters of Monster Hunter Generations, in order to obtain a new Armor Set for your hunter. Here's everything you need to know about it.

Violent Nature Side Quest

While you make your way through Sunbreak's main questline, an NPC called Pasapato The Historian can be found reading books at a table in the tavern of Elgado, and he will give you this side quest.

To complete this quest you must capture a Master Rank Astalos, either playing solo, in online multiplayer mode, or even through a Follower Quest accompanied by other NPCs. This monster is particularly weak to Ice and Blastblight, so you should absolutely take advantage of weapons that can inflict that kind of elemental damage. On the weapon category side, Astalos is equally weak to either slashing or bludgeoning damage, so basically, any non-ranged weapon should suffice.

That being said, remember to specifically capture this monster on a Master Rank mission, otherwise, it will be for nothing. Once you're done with the objective, go back to Pasapato, and he will reward you with a new armor set blueprint for your hunter.

Violent Nature Side Quest - Rewards

As a reward for completing this quest, you will obtain the Scholarly Armor Set blueprint, which you can build using Conqueror's Seals and a variety of monster materials, bones, and minerals. This set will give you the following armor skills:

  • Wide Range Lv. 5
  • Blight Resistance Lv. 3
  • Free Meal Lv. 3
  • Recovery Up Lv. 3
  • Quick Sheathe Lv. 3
  • Item Prolonger Lv. 3
  • Capture Master Lv. 1

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