Having the best gear in Monster Hunter Rise feels good. All of the monsters in the game fall to the might of your weapons, their attacks barely dent your powerful armour, and you can craft yet more powerful gear with a variety of powerful slotted skill gems and talismans. But sometimes you just can’t find the last material or resource that you need, and that’s where the Pawprint Stamp usually comes up.

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The Pawprint Stamp is an item in Monster Hunter Rise that is difficult to get, due to its the small number of enemies it drops from and even lower drop rate. Yes, this is in fact something you get for defeating a Small Monster, it’s not a Quest Reward like similar Commendations and Tickets are.

In this guide we’re going to break down how to farm the Pawprint Stamp so you can earn as many as possible in a short period of time. Get ready to go on some Expeditions for this rare drop.

Updated August 31, 2022 by Jacob Whaling: With the release of the Sunbreak expansion, and the addition of two new hunting locations, we've updated this guide with new information on the best spots to farm Pawprint Stamps.

Which Monsters Drop Pawprint Stamp

If you want to find the Pawprint Stamp in MHR, then you should be looking for creatures very similar to your Palico buddy. Pawprint Stamps are dropped by Melynx and Felyne enemies - the occasionally mischievous, sometimes docile cat creatures that you can find in almost every map.

These creatures are often peaceful and therefore easy to ignore, but you should still take out your weapon and start bashing them about. As mentioned above, these enemies can be difficult to find, and don't always drop Pawprint Stamps when you do find them. Listed below is the drop rate for Pawprint Stamps upon defeating Melynx and Felyne enemies.

Enemy Drop Rate
Melynx 20% chance
Felyne 14% chance

How To Farm Pawprint Stamps

Melynx and Felyne enemies can be found in almost every map, but there are a few locations where you can find more of them than normal. For example, the Shrine Ruins has a good spot in area three, up the vines, where you can find a few.

Another good area is in the Lava Caverns. From the Main Camp just keep heading North and head up the stairs to your left and you’ll find a Junk Pile and a bunch of cat critters.

Melynx and Felynes are most often found near Junk Piles, which can be hard to find. However, using the Detailed Map, you can pinpoint exactly where these gatherables are.

First, open your map, then, under Display Settings on the right side of the screen, tab over to the Icon List Selection. Then, open the Icon List and go to the last category, titled 'Locale'. Select the Junk Pile option, and only Junk Piles icons will show up on your map. Look for the brown question mark icon, and you'll be able to see where the Melynx and Felynes are hiding.

Junk Piles are not the only places these enemies can be found. For a more detailed look at where to find Melynx and Felynes, check the section below.

If you want to run around on a farming run for Pawprint Stamps and other items, you should eat the Raisin d’etre dango, which reduces the five minute respawn timer for gathering nodes and Small Monsters. This will make your item farming Expeditions far more efficient, and you can pair it with Skills like Geologist to speed up your ability to farm a variety of items.

Tips For Finding Melynx and Felynes

  • Use Detailed Map to locate Junk Piles and Melynx Gatherings.
  • Eat Raisin d'etre dango to speed up respawn time.
  • Return to both spawn points regularly, in any map.

Where To Find Pawprint Stamps On Every Map

If you want to know exactly where to find Melynx and Felynes on every map, reference the table below.

Map Area Numbers Location
Shrine Ruins 3, 7 shrine ruins pawprint
Frost Islands 5 frost islands pawprint
Sandy Plains 5 sandy plains pawprint
Flooded Forest 1, 2, 7 flooded forest pawprint
Lava Caverns 2 lava caverns pawprint
Jungle 7 jungle pawprints

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