Mt Gelmir is a mountainous area in Elden Ring, connected by Liurnia and Atlus Plateau. It isn't as big as it seems on the map. Half of what you see on the map is the legacy dungeon Volcano Manor. Mt Gelmir is just difficult to traverse because it contains a bunch of mountains and ravines. There's no man-made path to get to your destination.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Atlus Plateau Complete Walkthrough

This guide will detail how to walk through Mt. Gelmir and find every point of interest needed to complete this portion of the map. Many different interesting locations in these mountains can be easily missed if you don't know where to look.

How To Get To Mt Gelmir

Getting into the mountains is easy enough. From the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace in Atlus Plateau, all you have to do is head North to the Tibia Mariner boss location. The entrance to Mt. Gelmir is to the left, past the boss. There will be a Site of Grace here, Seethewater River. You'll get the title sequence for Mt. Gelmir and can begin your adventure.

Follow the shallow and boiling river. You'll pass a cave you may not notice, Seethewater Cave. It requires a Stonesword Key to unlock and contains the Mushroom armor set. Turn left and follow the river to continue through Mt. Gelmir. You'll reach the Seethewater Terminus Site of Grace and Fort Laiedd.

Points Of Interest

Fort Laiedd

Fort Laiedd is a small fort with flaming enemies. There will be flame chariots and minor enemies at the entrance and exit, but towards the fort, you'll find flame monks and a Prelate enemy inside. This Prelate is a mini-boss that deals out tons of fire damage along with wielding an extravagant red hammer. Upon defeat, he drops this hammer. Past him, you can go to the top of Fort Laiedd. There's nothing actually at the top, or so it seems. You can jump over a railing to the left, see the screenshots above. Next to the ghost, there will be a Fire Scorpion Charm Talisman.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Leyndell, Royal Capital Legacy Dungeon Guide

With Fort Laiedd complete, you'll want to head South. There will be a Magma Wyrm boss in the middle of all the lava. Past the boss, you must run through the rocks and past demi-humans. There will be a bunch of coffins you can loot for multiple Golden Runes. Beyond these coffins, a giant bear will surprise you along with multiple demi-humans. It may be wise to run past everyone with Torrent, but you can get the bear to break the glowing statue nearby to get Smithing Stones (6).

Past the bear, you can find a Site of Grace to your right inside a ruined house. This is Craftsman's Shack. Just up the road will be Hermit Village.

Hermit Village

Hermit Village contains some key quest items for different NPCs as well as a large boss, Demi-Human Queen Maggie, at the very end. In this town, you can loot the Errant Sorcerer armor set as well as the Prattling Pate "You're Beautiful" item. Past where the boss spawns, Primeval Sorcerer Azur Site of Grace will be hiding in a corner to your left, along with the man himself. To continue through Mt. Gelmir, you'll have to run along the pointy rock near this grace and jump down.

From here, you'll find the Gelmir Hero's Grave to your right. Continue forward. There will be a Mad Pumpkin Head blocking the rock bridge you want to go across. Past this bridge, you must climb the ladders along the mountain cliffs to your left. They may be hard to notice at first. There is a merchant on one of these cliffs.

Once you reach the top, you'll want to head left. If you head North, you'll find the entrance to the Volcano Cave. Left is a bridge leading to Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Grace. Spirit Jump or use the ladder to find yourself face to face with the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast. Whether you fight him or run, head right where a pointy rock sticks out. You can continue on here by dropping down onto rocks. Here is where you find the entrance to Volcano Manor.

Volcano Manor

On the pathway down to Volcano Manor, there will be an invisible scarab and multiple enemies. A Site of Grace is available inside the manor, and you can start a new quest here. Instead of going down the path to the manor, there is a side path where the invisible scarab is. This will take you past some spider hands and to the Bridge of Iniquity Site of Grace. Past this grace will be a mini-boss and then a real boss, the Ulcerated Tree Spirit. That marks the completion of Mt Gelmir.

RELATED: Elden Ring: Where To Find All Volcano Manor Contracts

Important NPC's In Mt Gelmir

NPC Location
Alexander Iron Fist Behind Magma Wyrm at Fort Laiedd
Tanith Volcano Manor
Rya Volcano Manor
Patches Near Mad Pumpkin Head in Mt Gelmir or in Volcano Manor
Revenant Bernahl Volcano Manor
Diallos Volcano Manor

Field Bosses

Boss Location
Magma Wyrm Behind Fort Laiedd
Demi-Human Queen Maggie At the end of Hermit Village
Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast Above Ninth Mt Gelmir Campsite Grace
Ulcerated Tree Spirit Just past Bridge of Iniquity Grace

Notable Loot

Loot Location
Fire Prelate Set Dropped upon defeat of Prelate in Fort Laiedd
Mushroom Set Found in Seethewater Cave
Comet Azur Looted off of Sorcerer Azur in Hermit Village
Sorcerer Azur Set Looted off of Sorcerer Azur in Hermit Village after Ranni's quest
Prelate's Inferno Crozier Dropped upon defeat of Prelate in Fort Laiedd
Fallingstar Beast Jaw Dropped upon defeat of Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast

All Dungeons

Dungeons Locations
Old Atlus Tunnel Inside the middle ravine of Atlus Plateau, to the West
Wyndham Catacombs Above Tibia Mariner Wyndham ruins
Seethewater Cave Just past Seethewater River Grace, on a small hill
Gelmir's Hero Grave Past Hermit Village, jump down
Volcano Cave On top of the mountains North-West, past the Hero's Grave

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