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FromSoftware’s latest action RPG, Elden Ring, features dozens of bosses, a plethora of different areas to explore, and an untold number of secrets that players are still uncovering to this day. One of the game’s key aspects is its roster of interesting and mysterious characters.

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These NPCs often have game-spanning storylines that reveal key details of the plot and provide you with some important items. One of these characters is Nepheli Loux, a powerful warrior who is destined for great things.

Updated July 11, 2022: We've updated this article to include a video walkthrough showing you how to complete Nepheli Loux's questline.

Meet Nepheli In Stormveil Castle

To begin Nepheli Loux’s questline you will first need to head to Stormveil castle, the main legacy dungeon in Limgrave. Prior to defeating Godrick the Grafted at the end of the dungeon, Nepheli can be located in a room just before the fog gate.

Specifically, find Nepheli by traveling down from the Secluded Cell site of grace, by a very aggressive troll and a number of other mobs. Nepheli can be seen in a small room, standing over the body of a fallen soldier.

Here, speak with the solemn warrior until you have exhausted her dialogue. You can then summon her to aid you in your battle against Godrick. For a detailed run-through on how to take on this horrifying boss, check out our comprehensive guide on how to defeat Godrick.

Speak With Nepheli And Gideon At The Roundtable Hold

Having met Nepheli Loux and fought with her to defeat Godrick the Grafted, you will next find her at the Roundtable Hold, Elden Ring’s main hub area.

Nepheli will be standing outside of Sir Gideon’s office. Speak with her to learn that she is his adopted daughter. You can also speak with him to learn some interesting details about her.

Speaking with Nepheli will reveal that she is ready to set out on the next stage of her journey - exhaust her dialogue and she will have left the Roundtable Hold.

Meet Nepheli In the Village of Albinaurics And Defeat The Omenkiller

The next step in Nepheli Loux’s questline can be found in Liurna of the Lakes and specifically, the Village of the Albinaurics. To find this town, which has seemingly come under assault by a set of demi-humans, simply head to the west of Liurna of the lakes, as pictured above.

You will find Nepheli, crouched next to a pile of bodies, at the entrance to the village, lamenting the fact that she was unable to help them. Once you have exhausted her dialogue here, she will once again be available as a summon.

This time, you can summon her to take on the Omenkiller, the boss at the end of the village. Nepheli is especially useful in this fight as the Omenkiller brings with it a number of additional NPCs that can make the battle overwhelming.

Return To The Roundtable Hold

Following your journey to the Village of the Albinaurics, you should return to the Roundtable Hold to, once again, speak with Nepheli and Gideon.

Nepheli will now be at the bottom of the staircase next to Hewg the blacksmith. First, speak with her to discuss her discoveries at the village. Following this, speak with Gideon, who will reveal that he was responsible for the attack on the village and no longer has any use for Nepheli.

When you return to Nepheli, she will understandably be heartbroken by this turn of events feeling she has lost her way as a warrior. To progress the questline further you will now need to find a rather well-hidden item.

The Four Belfries

To find the Stormhawk King, the item that will ultimately complete Nepheli’s quest, you must travel to the Four Belfries, a series of towers on the westernmost cliff of the lakes.

Once at the Four Belfries, travel to the top of the hill to find a site of grace. There is a powerful giant guarding this area, so be wary. From the site of grace, head to the closest Belfries, this one will have a chest at its base. Open the chest to gain the Imbued Sword Key. This key can be used to open one of the three portals at the Belfries below.

Having found the key, use it to unlock the next closest portal. You can now return to the Chapel of Anticipation, the place where you began your journey to become Elden Lord.

The Chapel Of Anticipation And The Stormhawk King

Having used the key to teleport to the Chapel of Anticipation, you will be greeted with a bridge. Cross the bridge and, if you had died at the game’s tutorial boss, there will be a fog gate. Now is the time to get your revenge. Defeat this once powerful foe, who should be a meager challenge now you have leveled up, and continue towards the chapel.

Moving towards the chapel, cross the next bridge and climb both sets of stairs. You will be greeted with a large door to the church. Look to your right to see a small door that has opened since you were last here. Enter that door, climb the stairs and pick up the Stormhawk King.

Having found this key item, return to the Roundtable Hold and give it to Nepheli. This item will remind her of her past and the glory she felt as a warrior. It will revitalize her and allow you to complete this questline.

Nepheli Loux And Stormveil Castle

It is now time to complete Nepheli’s questline. Importantly, for this step you must have also completed Kenneth Haight’s much shorter story.

The key things to know for Kenneth’s questline are that you must have met the haughty nobleman in Limgrave, taken back his fort, and agreed to become his knight. For a more comprehensive guide on how to finish this story, check out our guide on how to complete Kenneth Haight’s questline.

Having given Nepheli the Stormhawk King and aided Kenneth Haight, travel to the throne room at Stormveil Castle. Here, you will find both NPCs standing before the throne. Kenneth will reveal that he has chosen Nepheli as the rightful ruler of Limgrave, thanks to her strength and kindness.

Speak with Nepheli here, she will pledge her support to you and reward you with an Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone, one of the most valuable upgrading materials in the game. For some extra lore here, speak with the NPC standing behind the throne.

Another key thing to note for this quest is that at one point during Ranni the Witch’s story, a character will request that you give Nepheli a potion. Do not give it to her, it will fail the questline.

With that, you will have seen Nepheli go from a stalwart warrior who has lost her way, to the ruler of Limgrave and thus completed her questline.

NEXT: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough