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It is rather tempting during your journey throughout Elden Ring to bring as much chaos to the Land’s Between as humanly possible. This is indeed an option through the many endings that FromSoftware has included in this massive RPG. However, sometimes a tarnished may want to bring a bit of order to this crumbling world.

Related: Elden Ring: How To Unlock The Lord Of Frenzied Flame Ending

Thus, in the Age Of Order ending, you will work with one of the game’s most powerful mages in a quest to finally end the chaos and corruption of Elden Ring’s world.

Speak With Brother Corhyn

To begin your journey to bring order to the Land’s Between, you must first speak with Brother Corhyn at the Roundtable Hold. He will be in this location from the moment you have access to the area. Exhaust his dialogue here.

The next step is to simply continue your playthrough, eventually, when you return to the Roundtable Hold, Brother Corhyn will inform you that he intends to leave the safety of the hold in search of the scholar known as Goldmask.

Meet Corhyn In The Altus Plateau

Following Corhyn’s departure from the Roundtable Hold, you must interact with him in the Altus Plateau. The friendly priest will be located just up the path from the Altus Highway Junction Site of Grace.

When interacting with Corhyn, pick the option to ask about the Goldmask. He will inform you that his quest to find the scholar has been a failure thus far.

How To Find The Goldmask

Having spoken with Corhyn, head to the location pictured above to find the noble Goldmask gazing upon the Erdtree. He won’t be very talkative here but interact with him anyway.

After interacting with the Goldmask, return to Corhyn and inform him of his whereabouts. Following this, travel back to Goldmask’s location to find them both together. Speak with Corhyn once more, asking about the Goldmask, before continuing on your quest.

Find The Golden Order Principia

Next, head to the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace in the Capital. From here, leave the room and travel up the branch that leads to the sanctuary’s upper level.

Work your way across the roof and into a small window, past a chest, and along another set of branches. Here, hanging from the ceiling, you will find the Golden Order Principia, a book needed to continue this quest.

Give The Golden Order Principia To Corhyn

Having found this tome, head to the West Capitol Rampart and specifically the location pictured above.

Here, you will find Corhyn and the Goldmask. Give him the book and learn the incantation named Law Of Regression; this will be needed for the next step in your journey.

Use The Law Of Regression On Radagon’s Statue

Having learned the Law Of Regression, return to the Erdtree Sanctuary and travel down the set of stairs at the room's exit and then down a lift. Make sure you have memorized the spell before doing so.

Once in the right location, you will see a message on the ground. This message will read “Regression alone reveals the secret”. Here is where you should use the spell.

Upon using the spell, the statue before you will transform, and another message will appear ahead of you. This one will read “Radagon is Marika.”

With this secret, which has earth-shattering lore implications, return to Corhyn to reveal the truth.

Meet The Priests In The Mountaintops Of The Giants

Having revealed the truth to the two priests, continue your journey until you reach the snow-covered Mountaintops of the Giants.

Once in this area, travel to the top of the bridge above the Stargazing Ruins and speak with the two holy men once again. Here you will see that the revelation surrounding Radagon has caused them both to have a crisis of faith.

Claim The Mending Rune Of Perfect Order

This next step requires you to have progressed enough in the story so that the Capital becomes the Capital of Ash. We won’t spoil how this is done here.

Once in the Capital of Ash, explore the ruined city until you find the location pictured above, and with it, Goldmask’s unmoving body.

From the body of this legendary tarnished, claim the Mending Rune of Perfect Order.

Having done this, you must continue with the game’s story until you beat the final boss. Once this is done, approach the statue in the boss room and choose “Use the Mending Rune of Perfect Order”

With that, you will have completed Goldmask’s questline and brought order to the Land’s Between once more.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Guide And Walkthrough