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Mohg, the Omen is a Great Enemy in Elden Ring. The boss is located at the end of the Leyndell Sewers beneath Leyndell, Royal Capital. After exploring the endless tunnels and meeting Dung Eater, you will come to the boss arena where Mohg, the Omen, will strike you down with his Spear. The fight with Mohg can be frustrating, especially because of the small room you have to fight him in.

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Defeating Mohg, the Omen is necessary in order to complete the Frenzied Flame Ending. Here is all you need to know Mohg, the Omen in Elden Ring.

Mohg, The Omen Overview

Mohg, The Omen Overview
Location Subterranean Shunning-Grounds, Leyndell, Royal Capital
Optional Yes
Summons Spirit Ashes and Players.
  • 100,000 Runes
  • Bloodflame Talons
Weak To Physical Damage

Mohg, the Omen is located in Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. The boss fight is optional, and you will not have to complete it for endings other than the Frenzied Flame Ending. To acquire the Frenzied Flame Ending, you will have to defeat the boss and proceed further ahead by attacking the secret wall reaching the depths of the area.

Aside from Spirit Ashes and Players, you can also summon Dung Eater to help you in this fight. However, you can only do this if you meet him inside a cell and release him into the Sewers. Defeating the boss will earn you a hundred thousand Runes and the Bloodflame Talons (Incantation). The spell is quite useful as it builds up Hemorrhage and explodes, dealing AOE damage to nearby enemies.

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Mohg, The Omen Attacks

Mohg, the Omen, has the same moveset as Mohg, Lord of Blood, who is a Shardbearer residing in Mohgwyn Palace. The only difference is that Mohg, the Omen has a lower health pool and does not have a second phase like Mohg, Lord of Blood.

Mohg, The Omen Attacks
Refer to Mohg, Lord Of Blood, for his attacks.

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There are two main strategies for this fight:

Melee Strategy

For the melee strategy, you will want to stay close to the boss at all times except for when the boss covers the area close to him in the fire. Mohg, the Omen usually has slow spear attacks that are easy to dodge. After doing a successful dodge, you can get a few hits in before the boss starts his next attack animation. Staying close during these slow-timed attacks will allow you to roll towards the attacks and place you in an advantageous position.

Out of all affinities and types of damage, the boss is most weak against all kinds of Physical Damage. This proves in favor of a melee class who will be using physical damage as their primary source of damage output. As the boss deals fire and blood damage, it would be best to have fire damage negation. You can bring Dappled Cured Meat and Stanching Boluses to cure Bleed buildup during the fight and not lose a huge chunk of your health.

Mohg's Shackle is another important item you should get if you are facing issues in this fight. The item allows you to bind Mohg, the Omen, for a few seconds allowing you to get a lot of hits in before the boss recovers. This can also interrupt the boss's dangerous attacks preventing you from taking any damage.

To acquire Mohg's Shackle, you will need to go to the bottom area of the Sewers and reach the area guarded by a giant Lobster. You can travel from the Leyndell Catacombs (Site of Grace) for this. Here you will find a corpse with the item for you to pick up. Fighting the Lobster is not mandatory in order to get this item.

Ranged Strategy

For the ranged strategy, you need to keep your distance from the boss at all times to avoid his spear attacks. Being far away from the boss will make the boss walk up towards you more often, giving you time to use your spells on him before running to another corner. However, try not to get cornered, or the boss can kill you.

Summoning a Tanky Spirit is essential as this will allow your Spirit Ash to attract the boss more while you charge your Sorceries and whittle down his health bar. Using the Hidden Cerulean Tear in your Wondrous Flask is a must thing you need to have. This will make FP consumption zero for the next 10 seconds allowing you to use Sorceries like Comet Azur and Rock Sling for a considerable time.

You can use Mohg's Shackle if the boss comes near you and move away to cast spells again. Try not to bring any Fire Incantations if you a Faith build user, as the boss has high resistance against Fire.

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General Tips

  • Be Level 75 or Higher
  • Use Talisman Items that will increase fire damage negation like the Flamedrake Talisman.
  • Try to use Mohg's Shackle both times during his attack animations to cancel them.
  • Mohg is Immune to all Status Ailments, so there is no point trying to stack Blood Loss on the boss.
  • Try to stay in the middle of the arena. Getting cornered will allow the boss to finish you off faster.

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