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There are many challenging foes to stumble upon in Elden Ring, with the Fire Giant being among the more formidable. For being a towering, hulking enemy, he sure moves around quite fast and can dish out absurd amounts of damage in a blink of an eye.

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Still, even with the Fire Giant's unique approach to combat, he doesn't pose an insurmountable challenge and can be bested with just a little bit of patience, the right strategy, and maybe some luck. Overall, this encounter encourages you to try something new and will assuredly have people mixing up their playstyle throughout the battle.

Fire Giant Overview

Fire Giant Overview
Location Mountaintops of the Giants
Optional No
Summons Players and Spirit Ashes
  • 180,000 Runes
  • Remembrance of the Fire Giant
Weak To
  • ???

Fire Giant is a Legend Boss found in the Mountaintops of the Giants and is a mandatory encounter to progress the game's main storyline. Being a battle that takes place towards the back half of the game, it is pretty challenging as a result, and we recommend being at least Level 80-85 before attempting to take him on.

If you successfully slay the last known Fire Giant in the Lands Between, you will be handsomely rewarded with 180,000 Runes and Remembrance of the Fire Giant, which is exchangeable with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. Additionally, you will gain access to Crumbling Farum Azula, a mandatory late-game area.

Fire Giant Attacks

Fire Giant has many attacks that can be quite surprising from someone his size but has the damage output you would probably expect. He possesses a wide range of AoE attacks, a handful of ranged attacks, and even more close-ranged options that will devastate anyone he hits. Furthermore, if Fire Giant doesn't like the situation, he can instantly create space by rolling out of harm's way across the arena.

Due to many odd attacks and the surprising mobility of Fire Giant, it will be incredibly challenging at first. However, once you recognize his patterns, he will become much more manageable but still packs a punch if you get too careless or misread the situation. Overall, this encounter will test your limits, but it isn't impossible. You've made it this far, and there's no giving up now!

Phase 1

Phase 2

Battle Strategy

The Fire Giant will test the patience of every type of player in Elden Ring and is easily one of the more challenging mandatory boss encounters in the game. While no playstyle is safe from this giant's wrath, the challenge isn't impossible. And with the right strategy, you will see him fall in no time.

Melee Strategy

In phase one, you will see a rope tied around the Fire Giant's left leg. Hit the rope repeatedly to eventually snap the rope and reveal a weak spot on the boss, which will also pause his attacks for a brief moment. Take this opportunity to get in several uncontested hits. From here, just focus on his left leg while dodging his attacks and regaining the distance from his rolls. Always try staying behind or underneath him, which will force him to roll away, allowing you to get back in as he attempts to do one of his few ranged attacks.

Fire Giant will tear off his left leg at the start of the second phase of the fight, eliminating the weak spot from the first phase and moving it to his left forearm, which is somewhat awkward to hit for ground melee users. However, every attack from the Fire Giant from this point onward will be forward-facing attacks, so try sticking to his side or back to get in multiple hits before he attempts rolling around to face you. Patience is the best practice here, as he has a large pool of health, and you will hardly be able to hit his forearm. But, if you can keep getting behind him, you will eventually take him down.

Ranged Strategy

For the Fire Giant encounter, ranged players will follow a very similar strategy to melee users but will have a much easier time carrying the plan out. You do not want to be too far away in this fight because the Fire Giant has a handful of annoying ranged attacks. Instead, get in close with a powerful spell that you can cast rapidly -Stars of Ruin, for example- and target his weak points. In phase one, the weak spot will be his left ankle. Stay close and position yourself either behind him or underneath him to force him to perform basic attacks or roll away from the area.

In phase two, ranged users can target and hit his left forearm with a much greater outcome when compared to ground melee users. Due to ranged attacks naturally having excellent precision, you can take advantage of his onslaught of forward-facing attacks and occasionally peek around and hit his weak spot before positioning yourself behind him. After a few successful hits, you can break Fire Giant's guard, then attack the large eye on his stomach for more significant damage. Repeat this process until you take him down.

Torrent Strategy

In general, we do not recommend using Torrent for the first phase, but he will come in handy during the second phase for melee users. The elevation gained by mounting Torrent will give you the height and range needed to hit Fire Giant's left forearm, which can potentially break his poise after a few solid strikes. Ranged users can also use Torrent in the second phase, but it isn't necessary for them. Just remember to position yourself behind Fire Giant and only attack the weak spots whenever you have a clear opening, and you will have him killed in no time!

General Tips

  • Be Level 80-85 or Higher
  • Always try staying behind or underneath him
  • Only use Torrent in phase two to reach his weak spot (Melee only, Ranged optional)
  • Bait the fire orbs to explode, then flee the area to negate damage and remove the annoying obstacle.
  • Be patient. Fire Giant has a large health pool, so you won't kill him fast or likely in the first go. Just keep your composure and stick to the game plan!

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