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Destiny 2's dungeons offer the mechanical complexity of a raid in a much more manageable three-player environment. Unlike raids, determined and skilled players can attempt to solo these missions, requiring a degree of mastery that no other PvE activity demands, excluding solo Grandmaster Nightfalls.

Related: Destiny 2: How To Get Through The Shattered Throne Dungeon And Defeat Its Bosses

Prophecy is one of Destiny 2's three available dungeons. What many consider to be the hardest dungeon of the trio, Prophecy pits players against dozens of Taken enemies in claustrophobic arenas that offer little cover. With the right gear and knowledge, any Destiny player can conquer this difficult mission to claim some sweet loot. Here is a complete guide to Destiny 2's Prophecy dungeon.

Updated September 10th, 2021, by Charles Burgar: Prophecy's loot pool saw a complete revision in Season of the Lost. All of its older weapons have been shifted into the world loot pool. In its place are reissued variants of Destiny 2 vanilla's Trials of the Nine weapons. These weapons can roll with some fantastic perk combinations and are some of the most visually striking weapons in the game. We've added loot tables to each entry in this guide, and we've added some additional tips to make your time in the Prophecy dungeon as painless as possible.

Tunnel Section

After you exit the Drifter's ship, you'll find yourself in a rather long tunnel filled with Taken enemies. The end of the tunnel will have two pillars of energy, either made of Light or Dark. To proceed, you must obtain Light Motes or Dark Motes from slain Taken Knights to purge these pillars.

How Motes Work

If you already know how this mechanic works, skip to the "Tunnels Skip" section under this. Since this encounter gives no loot, it's perfectly fine to skip this opening encounter.

The type of Motes they drop depends on the lighting around your character. Standing in shadow spawns Dark Motes, and standing in direct light spawns Light Motes. You can tell which Motes will spawn based on the animated vignette on your screen. White tendrils mean Light Motes. Dark tendrils mean Dark Motes.

When you obtain five Motes of a given type, you'll drop your current weapons to carry a charged Mote. You must run to a pillar corresponding to your color, then use your fire button to "purge" the pillar. If you grab a different Mote type before you reach x5 stacks, your previous Motes are removed, so be careful when grabbing Motes of different types. Using your class ability or Super will also despawn your x5 Mote stack.

Repeat the pillar purging process a few more times to reach the end of the section. A Taken Captain, who you'll face later in the dungeon, will guide you up a pile of rubble. Once atop the rubble, jump across the large gap to reach the central golden platform. Get ready to face your first boss, Phalanx Echo.

Tunnels Skip

When you enter the tunnels for the first time, jump atop the first golden sphere in your path. Turn left, then climb up the tube that leads to the surface. To make this easier, use Salvation's Grip or Stasis Glacial Grenades to create platforms. Use Stasis crystals to climb to the surface (shown in the gallery above). From there, jump towards the central arena as you would normally.

If you don't own the Beyond Light expansion, you can either use the Always of Time Sparrow to drive up the tunnel or climb the path yourself. For the latter, you'll have to rely on mobility Exotics and Swords for this skip. Be sure you have full Heavy ammo before doing this. Here's what each class will need to do:

  • Hunters: Equip ST0MP-EE5, any Sword (preferably Lament), and Triple Jump. Jump once off the platform, use your second jump to enter the tube, then swing your Sword until you reach the top. A third jump will get you to the surface.
  • Warlocks: Equip top tree Dawnblade (Attunement of Sky) and a Sword. Glide to the tube, swing your Sword, then Icarus Dash to the top when your Sword stops giving you momentum.
  • Titans: Any Sword and Lion Ramparts will easily get you to the top of the tube. Catapult or High Lift will get you to the surface once your Sword stops giving momentum.

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Phalanx Echo

Phalanx Echo Loot Table

Item Type

Hand Cannon

(Kinetic | 140 RPM)
The Long Walk

Sniper Rifle

(Solar | 72 RPM)
CODA Helmet


Moonfang Class Item


(Class Item)
Solo Flawless Note: If you're attempting a flawless run by yourself, use a subclass with defensive properties to stay alive. Invisibility, damage resistance, and add clear are paramount here.

Three major threats will present themselves in this encounter: Taken Knights, dozens of Taken Psions, and Destiny's physics engine. The arena in this encounter is tiny, giving you virtually no cover to play around. Worse, the boss will frequently fire energy blasts from its shield, launching you into the abyss.

Related: Destiny 2: Tips For Completing The Shattered Throne Dungeon Solo Flawlessly

To remove the Phalanx Echo's immunity shield, you'll need to cleanse four pillars of light floating above the arena, similar to what you did in the previous encounter. Every time you purge a pillar, the arena's lighting will change. A pair of Knights will spawn alongside waves of Taken Psions during this phase. Clear out the Psions first—utilizing Warmind Cells or guns like Riskrunner—before you focus on the Knights. No Psions will respawn until you cleanse a pillar, so consider clearing out the arena of adds first before you start cleansing.

Tip: If you get flung by the boss, you can swing a Sword to remove all backward momentum. Shatterdive and Phoenix Dive will also remove this momentum.

When all four pillars are purged, you'll have around a minute to damage the boss. Be careful, however, as this phase will spawn Taken Goblins that make the boss immune to all damage. Take out these Goblins ASAP. Swords, Anarchy, and Fusion Rifles with Particle Deconstruction [] will annihilate the Echo's health bar. He doesn't have much health, so groups should easily be able to one-phase this boss. If the boss doesn't die after a minute, you'll have to cleanse four additional pillars before he becomes vulnerable again.

For solo players, you can also one-phase Phalanx Echo if you rock a Sword and any damage buff. Lucent Blade, Well of Radiance, and Ward of Dawn should give you enough damage to kill the boss in one go. If that's too risky, you should be able to defeat this boss in two phases with little issue.

Cleansing Tip

It's possible to cleanse two pillars with a single charged Mote. You'll want to be rather high from the tallest pillar, as high as you possibly can. Stand equidistant from both pillars, then cleanse. If you're in the right position, both plates will be cleansed, speeding up this encounter considerably.

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Hop on your Sparrow and look for any Taken Blights in the area. Be careful of the Taken Minotaurs that patrol the dunes, as these enemies can easily destroy your Sparrow in a few shots. When you find the Taken Blights, you'll need to destroy them. A single Anarchy bolt is enough to destroy a Blight. Destroy all three Blights, then run towards the floating Toland orb floating nearby. Do this two more times to reveal the exit, which is located in the massive cube structure across from spawn. Run through the narrow corridor to reach the Hexahedron encounter.

Hidden Chest #1

Note: Prophecy's hidden chests only drop items you've already obtained from this dungeon.

You can find this chest in the northern section of the wasteland, straight ahead of where you spawn from. When you approach cube structure that leads to the next encounter, turn around and head slightly right. Keep an eye out for a structure with yellow sand in front of it. Run up the sand slope to find a hidden chest inside the building.

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Hexahedron Loot Table

Item Type
A Swift Verdict


(Void | 260 RPM)
The Last Breath

Auto Rifle

(Kinetic | 600 RPM)


Solo Flawless Note: Warmind Cells are excellent for this encounter. Consider using Rat King to disengage from hectic gunfights.

Hexahedron is an endurance encounter, pitting you against an onslaught of enemies that will flank you from every direction. You will need to progress by cleansing specific pillars of energy, rotating the room in the direction you cleansed. When you've cleansed enough pillars correctly, you'll face a pair of Centurion bosses that are complete pushovers. Virtually every Special or Super can take them out with little issue.

Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To The Presage Mission

When you start the encounter, immediately look up at the walls of the room. One of the pillars will have a Toland orb floating above it on the respective wall. You need to cleanse the pillar that has a Toland orb. If a Toland orb is on the northern wall, cleanse the north pillar, et cetera. Rarely, you'll enter a room that has a Toland orb floating on the ceiling. In these instances, you can cleanse whichever pillar is most convenient.

As for clearing out each room, focus on killing the Taken Hobgoblins first. Two will always spawn above you at different sides of the room. Kill them immediately, then direct your attention to the Taken Acolytes. If left unchecked, these Acolytes will spawn dozens of Eye turrets. Warmind Cells and add-clear Primaries like Trinity Ghoul work wonders here. Remember your positioning when taking out the Knights, cleanse the correct plate, and stand in the center plate when you're ready to proceed. You'll need to repeat this quite a few times before you reach the boss, so focus on survival above all else.

When the bosses are dead, head to the wasteland. Follow the Kell Echo Captain to reach the next encounter.

Hexahedron Tips

This is arguably the hardest encounter in Prophecy. There's virtually no cover, Hobgoblins deal a ton of damage, and Acolytes will summon dozens of Eye turrets if you aren't careful. There are a few ways to make this encounter easier:

  • Use Rat King: This isn't a joke. Rat King makes you invisible after a kill and can even heal you with the Catalyst. Spawn the Motes you need, kill an Acolyte with Rat KIng, then cleanse a plate while you're invisible.
  • Use Warmind Cells: Each room is small enough for a Warmind Cell to clear most adds, even after the Season 15 nerfs. Use Global Reach and a Warmind-compatible weapon, such as the Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver or IKELOS SMG.
  • Class-Specific Tips
    • Hunter: Nightstalker is great here. Go invisible before you create a charged Mote to prevent getting sniped.
    • Warlock: Devour (Bottom Tree Voidwalker) is amazing for aggressive players. Middle Tree Dawnblade is also a good pick.
    • Titan: Behemoth is better than you'd expect here. Run Whisper of Rime, Tectonic Harvest, and Heart of Inmost Light. Throw and shatter a Glacier Grenade to get most of your health back. Crest of Alpha Lupi on Code of the Protector is also a solid option.

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Rainbow Road

There's not much to explain here. Follow the linear path until you reach the massive diamond at the end of the path. Taken Vandals and Knights will dot the path to give you trouble. A 160 speed Sparrow should have little issue avoiding these enemies. If you're attempting a flawless run, take this part slow. Whenever the road seems to end, look out for floating platforms you can jump onto.

Hidden Chest #2

Note: Prophecy's hidden chests only drop items you've already obtained from this dungeon.

You can find this chest in the final floating diamond structure to the left of the gravity lift. To reach the structure, hop onto the road after you complete the first platforming section. When you enter the diamond, hop off your Sparrow. Run to the bottom right corner of the room to find a hole. Drop down the hole, then follow the path to reach the chest.

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Kell Echo

Kell Echo Loot Table

Item Type
Moonfang-X7 Helm


Moonfang-X7 Arms


Moonfang-X7 Chest


Moonfang-X7 Boots


Moonfang-X7 Class Item


(Class Item)

Final Chest Loot Table

Item Type
Darkest Before

Pulse Rifle

(Arc | 540 RPM)
A Sudden Death


(Arc | 55 RPM)


CODA Chest


CODA Class Item


(Class Item)
Solo Flawless Note: Anarchy or Witherhoard will kill the boss in three phases at most. A one-phase with Lament is possible but extremely dangerous.

Upon starting the encounter, waves of Taken Psions and Knights will begin to flood the arena, similar to the first encounter. Unlike Phalanx Echo, Kell Echo will have three clones of itself shooting you from each corner of the arena. This makes finding cover a living nightmare. Bring a defensive subclass before you tackle this one. Invisibility, add-clear, or on-demand healing is needed if you're going to survive this encounter.

Related: Destiny 2: How To Get Through The Pit Of Heresy Dungeon And Defeat Its Bosses

Just like previous encounters, you'll need to obtain Motes to cleanse pillars in the arena. In this case, three corners must be cleansed. Using a Mote to purge a side of the room will force the Kell Echo clone to despawn, spawning a Taken Ogre in its stead after a few seconds. Kill the Ogre immediately to prevent a swift death. Cleanse all three plates, then hop down the teleporter in the center of the arena to fight Kell Echo.

Kell Echo is a modified Taken Captain with a massive health bar. Instead of firing Taken Blights, it'll launch a portal that will teleport you to the start of the arena if it makes contact. Whatever you do, do not let this portal hit you. The blinding effect and teleport itself can cause you to run off the map. Surviving that, you'll gain stacks of Dark Entropy for every two seconds you aren't near Kell Echo. Reaching x10 Dark Entropy stacks will instantly kill you. You'll lose stacks if you stand near the boss. Kell Echo will project a ring around herself that denotes how close you need to be (it's fairly generous).

Besides those mechanics, Kell Echo will pelt at you with a standard rifle. The boss will teleport every 15 seconds or so to a new location, doing so five times before it reaches her final location. Every time Kell Echo teleports, two Hobgoblins will spawn in the arena. Kill the Hobgoblins first before dealing with the boss.

This entire section is your DPS phase. Use Anarchy, Witherhoard, Heavy weapons, whatever you have to nuke her health bar. Your longest windows for damage are when you enter the room and when Kell Echo reaches the end of the room. The DPS phase will end after the boss has reached the end of the room and stood there for 15 seconds. Repeat the pillar cleansing and DPS phases until the boss is dead.

Defeating Kell Echo Solo

If you're attempting this part solo, this is arguably the hardest encounter in the entire dungeon. You need to bring a loadout that can clear adds quickly, dish out a solid amount of boss damage, all while giving you tools to stay alive. We're going to recommend some specific weapons, mods, and subclasses to make this easier.


  • Seventh Seraph/IKELOS weapons: These can spawn Warmind Cells, allowing you to use your Exotic slot for a high-DPS Special or Heavy. The IKELOS SMG and Seventh Seraph Officer Revolver are arguably the best.
  • Anarchy or Witherhoard: This will guarantee a three-phase. Stick the boss every other teleport.
  • Lament: You can one-phase with Lament, a debuff, and Lucent Blade. Be warned: this loadout is highly dangerous.
  • Fusion Rifles/LFRs: Particle Deconstructor has made all Fusions and Linear Fusions fantastic for boss DPS. Good options include Threaded Needle, Null Composure, One Thousand Voices, and Sleeper Simulant.


  • Warmind Cell Mods: At least use Global Reach. Warmind Cells can clear the first portion of this encounter on their own.
  • Protective Light: Helps you stay alive during intense gunfights.
  • Lucent Blade: Only if you're using a Sword. Drastically improves Sword DPS.


  • (Hunter) Way of the Wraith: Flawless Execution is easy to proc and gives you a 30% debuff on-demand for Kell Echo. Headshot a Hobgoblin, knife the boss, then damage Kell Echo.
  • (Warlock) Attunement of Hunger: Devour drastically increases your survivability. You can make a more aggressive build with this spec equipped.
  • (TItan) Code of the Siegebreaker: Ability kills heal you, generate sunspots that grant various boons, all of which can spawn Warmind Cells with the Wrath of Rasputin mod.

Beyond that, our biggest tip is to take it slow. You don't need to one-phase Kell Echo. Deal consistent damage, bring a spec that helps you survive, and don't get too greedy with damage.

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Next: Destiny 2: Beyond Light Complete Guide And Walkthrough