Destiny 2's Arc element is all about speed and lightning. Subclasses with this element move quickly, hit hard, and use their body as the ultimate weapon. It hasn't been converted to the 3.0 system just yet, but that gives you all the more reason to prepare.

Related: Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Armor 2.0

Arc weapons also have great synergy with Arc 3.0. Arc Legendaries can trigger certain Fragments and roll with Voltshot, arguably the strongest variant of Kill Clip yet. For players looking to prepare for Arc 3.0, these ten Arc weapons should be on your radar.

Updated September 27th, 2022, by Charles Burgar: Season of the Plunder hit the ground running with some fantastic Arc-themed weapons. Voltshot has been making waves in the PvE sandbox, and the Crucible's Out of Bounds SMG has dethroned the IKELOS SMG as the best Arc SMG in the game. We've updated this list to include recent Arc weapons that are worth your attention.

This list focuses on PvE content. Entries aren't in any particular order.

10/10 Half-Truths

How to obtain: Xur's Treasure Hoard.

As a Sword, Half-Truths is average at best. Sola's Scar, Razor's Edge, and even Bequest are better for damage. So why is Half-Truth's on this list? It can roll with Eager Edge, a perk that flings your character forward when you first swing the Sword. Similar to movement Exotics, this perk is fantastic for jumping puzzles and general content speedrunning. Half-Truths' utility makes it a must-own for all Guardians.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Tireless Blade, Thresh
  • Column Two: Eager Edge

9/10 Horror's Least

How to obtain: Nightfall reward (rotates weekly).

Rapid-Fire Pulse Rifles are meta in PvP currently. They fire fast, flinch your opponents to the high heavens, and are quite easy to use. Horror's Least takes the best parts of Rapid-Fire Pulses and merges them together. If you love Pulses at all, you'll want to keep your eyes out for this gun.

The main strength of Horror's Least comes from Kill Clip, drastically lowering this weapon's TTK in the Crucible. In PvE, Kill Clip lets this weapon clear through fodder enemies with little issue. Pair the gun with Steady Hands, and your weapon will have max handling alongside high-damage rounds. If Arc 3.0 has any unique weapon buffs, Horror's Least will make great use of them.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Steady Hands, Perpetual Motion
  • Column Two: Kill Clip, Frenzy

8/10 Divinity

How to obtain: Defeat a hidden Minotaur in the Lunar Battlegrounds, then complete the quest it drops.

Divinity is the king of utility for group content. This Trace Rifle fires an Arc beam that debuffs the target by 30%, twice as much as Void's Weaken keyword[]. It also creates an Arc bubble around the target, converting all damage into precision damage. Weapons with critical hit perks work with Divinity, making this a no-brainer for raids and GM Nightfalls. It won't kill enemies on its own, but the damage it provides for your fireteam is staggering.

7/10 Out Of Bounds

How to obtain: Crucible matches and Engrams.

The last good Legendary Arc SMG was the reissue of the IKELOS SMG back in Season of Arrivals. Quite a bit of time has passed since then, but we finally got a solid Arc SMG replacement with Out of Bounds. This Crucible SMG has great base stats, excellent perks, and it's fairly easy to get.

What immediately stands out is its ability to get Demolitionist and Golden Tricorn in the same roll, an extremely rare combination. Demolitionist in column one will be your go-to for PvE, although PvP players might want to give Moving Target or Dynamic Sway Reduction a try. And for the second column, just about every damage perk you can think of is on Out of Bounds. Kill Clip, Golden Tricorn, Swashbuckler, and Harmony can all roll on this SMG. If you like 900 RPM SMGs at all, you need a good Out of Bounds in your Vault.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Demolitionist, Subsistence, Dynamic Sway Reduction (PvP)
  • Column Two: Golden Tricorn (PvE), Kill Clip (PvP), Swashbuckler/Adrenaline Junkie

6/10 Forbearance

How to obtain: Vow of the Disciple raid (Caretaker and Rhulk encounters).

Do you love explosions? Do you love explosions creating more explosions? If so, Forbearance is something you might want to farm for. Obtained from the Vow of the Disciple raid, Forbearance is a Wave Frame Grenade Launcher that releases a wave of Arc energy with each shot.

More importantly, Forbearance can roll with Ambitious Assassin and Chain Reaction. Kills from your Arc wave will cause targets to explode, creating a chain reaction of explosions. Paired with its two-round magazine from Ambitious Assassin, you have one of the best add-clearing Special weapons in Destiny 2.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Ambitious Assassin
  • Column Two: Chain Reaction

5/10 Riskrunner

How to obtain: Complete "A Spark of Hope."

We shouldn't have to explain how good Riskrunner is; every Guardian gets Riskrunner from the New Light tutorial. For those who haven't used Riskrunner recently, this SMG fires lightning rounds that chain to nearby targets while Arc Conductor is active.

Take any Arc damage, and your weapon will become supercharged for a few seconds, reducing incoming Arc damage while making your Riskrunner shoot chain lightning rounds. You don't have to reload the gun during this period either, allowing you to unleash a copious amount of lightning-infused lead on your foes. If you ever wanted to use a pocket Stormtrance Super, Riskrunner has you covered.

4/10 The Hothead

How to obtain: Nightfall reward (rotates weekly).

Rocket Launchers have taken the meta by storm ever since Gjallarhorn returned. Legendary Rockets are now the pinnacle of burst DPS for endgame PvE content, including The Hothead. This weapon serves as one of the best Rocket Launchers in Destiny 2 for mobbing and boss DPS.

Solid base stats are one thing, but the true power of Hothead comes from its perks. Demolitionist and Clown Cartridge can roll on this gun simultaneously, allowing you to achieve some absurd damage values. Shoot a rocket, throw a grenade, shoot a rocket, reload, then shoot two rockets. You can fire a whole reserves worth of Rockets in a few seconds with Hothead, making it tied with Royal Chase as the best Legendary Rocket Launcher in the game.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Demolitionist, Field Prep
  • Column Two: Clown Cartridge

3/10 Trespasser

How to obtain: Season of the Haunted's Season Pass.

Trespasser is a reprised Sidearm from the original Destiny. This three-round burst Sidearm becomes supercharged after a kill, doubling the rounds in its next salvo. Kill an enemy with the salvo to automatically reload the weapon, allowing you to fire six-round bursts with ease.

As with Trinity Ghoul and Riskrunner, Trespasser is incredible for clearing out fodder enemies in PvE. One burst kills red bars in all PvE content, and supercharged rounds lay some serious hurt on majors. Unlike other Arc Exotics, this weapon can easily take advantage of damage buffs. Surprise Attack, a Charged with Light mod, grants Trespasser a 40% damage buff. Pair that with Font of Might to disintegrate majors and red bars alike.

2/10 Tarnished Mettle

How to obtain: Season of the Plunder activities.

Do you love Trinity Ghoul but hate Bows? If so, Tarnished Mettle should be on your radar. This 200 RPM Scout Rifle has arguably the best PvE perk in the game: Voltshot. This perk acts as an Arc-themed variant of Kill Clip, inflicting Jolt on your first shot after you kill someone and reload.

You can pair this gun with Demolitionist for absurd grenade uptime, making this an S-tier pick for most PvE content. And if you're playing harder activities, get a roll with Rapid Hit and Explosive Payload to have an elemental Night Watch. Even Crucible players will appreciate this gun's overall consistency and solid dueling perks. If you're lucky enough to get enough red borders to craft Tarnished Mettle, you might want to craft multiple rolls; it's that good.

Recommended Traits:

  • Column One: Demolitionist, Rapid Hit
  • Column Two: Voltshot, Explosive Payload, Multikill Clip (PvP)

1/10 Trinity Ghoul

How to obtain: Exotic Engrams.

If you need to clear a room full of enemies with a single arrow, look no further than Trinity Ghoul. This Exotic Bow fires three arrows instead of one, all of which have a tight spread if you ADS. More importantly, kills with Trinity Ghoul—or any Arc kills if you have the Catalyst—will supercharge your next arrow with Arc lightning.

This Exotic perk is why Trinity Ghoul is an add-slaying powerhouse in PvE. Arc lightning one-shots red bar enemies in all activities, which will recharge your arrows with Arc energy when the Catalyst is installed. No Primary in Destiny 2 can clear adds as quickly as Trinity Ghoul, not even Riskrunner.

Next: Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Complete Guide And Walkthrough