Fall Guys has launched with more than 20 different rounds. Rounds are shuffled each show, so players have no way of knowing what they will be faced with until the round is about to commence. Will it be See Saw? Fall Ball? Or maybe even Hoopsie Daisy?

Related: Fall Guys: Crown Rank Guide

When it comes to the finale and only a handful of players are left battling for that sought-after crown, there are three options at Fall Guys' disposal. Royal Fumble, Hex-A-Gone, and Fall Mountain. Below is what players will be faced with in each instance and some handy hints and tips that might well win you your first crown. Or your fifth. Or your fiftieth.

Updated September 24, 2022: It's the second season since Fall Guys' free-to-play relaunch, further adding to the games' variety and overall depth. With that comes brand-new rounds to play, with this season following an outer space theme. This includes the introduction of two additional Final Rounds, each possessing unique features and strategies.

Fall Guys: Strategies For Each Final Round

Tip Toe Finale

This new Final Round functions just like the original race round Tip Toe, only modifying it slightly for this "winner takes all" scenario. You and your teammates, if you are competing in a Squads Show playlist, will be tasked with finding the correct route made up of several tiles.

Tiles that are part of the correct path will light up when stepped on, while those that are not will disappear upon contact, causing you to fall through the floor and respawn at the start. Once you have found this path and reached the end, you will have to jump on a few platforms and grab the crown to secure victory.

With this being a larger area than the original Tip Toe, it is recommended that you take more risks when trying to find the path. With your competitors in separate areas with different routes, there is not as much incentive to take your time with this.

Additionally, there will be a button at the start of this level used to launch objects toward the tiles in your area. Make sure you are using this to knock out fake tiles and reveal those that are part of the correct route.


This Final round is the latest variation of the fan-favorite round, Hex-a-Gone. Similarly, you will have to jump from tile to tile, avoiding falling into the slime below and getting eliminated in an attempt to be the last player standing.

What differentiates this final round is that there is only one layer of tiles to traverse, as well as the mechanics of these tiles. Rather than disappearing permanently once stepped on, these tiles will reappear once a few seconds have passed (about seven seconds).

As time passes in this round, there will be a barrier that slowly closes in, eventually only leaving the central tiles available. For this reason, it is recommended that you stay toward the middle area throughout this final. This will prevent you from having to quickly move toward this area, which could sometimes leave you without a viable path.


This final round serves as a tricky variation of the classic "Hex-A-Gone" level. Placing you on a rotating tube or ring, players will have to keep moving to avoid falling in the slime, rewarding the last one standing with a Crown. On top of this, the floor beneath you is composed of tiles identical to those found in Hex-A-Gone, each of the three layers disappearing upon contact.

For this round, it's best to keep moving. Once you begin falling behind, it's very difficult to come back and not fall off this rotating platform; so do your best to stay at the front of the pack.

Utilize the jumping mechanic to avoid getting tripped up on uneven tiles, ensuring that you don't roll off the platform.

Blast Ball

Blast Ball is a unique Final Round compared to others currently in the game. You will be placed on a circular platform with a hole in the center, hovering over the dreaded slime. The floor will be divided into several sections, each having the chance of coming loose and falling into the slime.

On top of this, there will be Blast Balls scattered throughout this level, balls that can be picked up and thrown at other players. After a couple of seconds after being picked up, these balls will explode, causing all nearby players to get knocked back.

Make sure to find an area with a lot of space and try to throw Blast Balls toward other players, making sure to avoid other balls being thrown at you.

It is recommended that you don't stay too close to the edge, as it will be much easier to get knocked off in these locations.

Lost Temple

Unlike other Final Rounds, the Lost Temple involves some degree of luck to come out with the crown. You will start off by entering a small room that presents you with a fork in the road, presenting you with a door both to your left and right.

Similar to the Race Round Door Dash, only one of these doors will actually allow you to break through, while the other will remain standing when pushed. The rest of this level functions similarly, bringing you through obstacle-filled rooms with multiple doors to choose from when exiting.

This will continue until you are led to the final room, containing lily pads that are used to bounce you up to the crown, requiring you to be the first player to grab it, similar to the conclusion of the Fall Mountain Final Round.

Typically, there will only be one correct route in this maze, so do your best to stay toward the front of the pack; while also taking note of which doors have been attempted and which have not.

Thin Ice

This winter-themed Final Round places you on a hexagon-shaped platform, similar to that of Hex-A-Gone. The platform will be broken into several tiles, resembling pieces of ice, each cracking when touched.

After a tile is touched for the third time, it will shatter; unable to be stood on anymore. There will be three layers of these tiles, all hovering above a pool of slime; your goal being to stay up and be the last one standing. Take this level slowly, as it is easy to slip and slide around on these tiles, resembling the experience of sliding on ice.

For this reason, it is recommended that you try to find an area with a lot of space, away from any holes or edges. This will prevent you from accidentally falling off the platform due to slipping or bumping into other players.

If possible, try to isolate yourself in a large area of the platform, destroying any tiles that other players can use to enter your area.

Related: Every Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Map Ranked, Worst To Best

Roll Off

Similar to the Survival Round Roll Out, this Final Round consists of two ring-shaped platforms rotating in opposite directions. These rings will have gaps and walls, forcing you to switch between the two platforms at times to avoid the slime below.

Try to space yourself out from other players, as many opponents will be trying to grab you and cause you to fall off the edge. The speed of these rings will increase with time, requiring you to quickly switch between the two rings.

At this point in the round, it is recommended that you frequently go back and forth between the two platforms; the heightened speed of the rings doesn't allow you much time to stay on them. Focus on your game, and be the last bean standing to obtain the crown.

Jump Showdown

A variation of the Survival Round Jump Club, this Final Round requires players to be the last one standing on a ring-shaped platform. There will be two rotating poles that you will have to jump over and two rotating poles that you have to go under, again, resembling Jump Club.

In Jump Showdown, the platform will be broken up into different sections, falling one by one until only two sections are remaining. This will be random, so make sure to keep an eye on which portions of the floor are shaking and falling.

The most important tip for this Final Round is to make sure that you are timing your jumps properly.

You will need to make sure that you are jumping over each of the lower poles at a time when you will not get hit by the larger ones above you.

Timing is everything here, so if this is mastered, you will consistently be the last bean standing.


Fall Mountain

This is the simplest concept of the three, but perhaps the hardest to win. That's because there is no real trick to it. Fall Mountain is just a race to the finish through an obstacle course that includes elements featured throughout Fall Guys' other rounds.

Our only tip, and it's a very important one, is to remember to press grab if you make it to the crown first. Simply touching or running into the crown isn't going to cut it.


This round requires a little more skill than running forward and avoiding obstacles. All remaining players will start on a platform made up of hexagonal tiles, and standing on a tile will make it disappear moments later. There are multiple levels, and the aim is to be the last one to fall through all of them.

Don't panic if you fall to a lower level first; that will allow you to open up some gaps for whoever falls next.

Royal Fumble

There are a lot of rounds in Fall Guys that require players to tug the tail off of a rival's butt. However, Royal Fumble is the ultimate in that genre. There is just one tail, and whoever has it at the end of the round will be crowned the winner.

Most players will run in the same direction in their quest to grab the tail. Follow that flow, as in our experience, going against it doesn't tend to work out that well.

Next: Best Strategies For Every Game In Fall Guys: Race Rounds