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In the latest update of Roblox Mining Simulator 2, a total of six new ores were released alongside a brand-new time-limited Summer Fair Island. This update also brought fishing and various mini-games with it. Among these ores, Sand Dollar is the second-rarest one to acquire.

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If you have decided to go in search of Sand Dollar, you need to know that you'll be tackling Sand Ores blocks stacked up to 35,000 left and right. If you're fairly new to the game and don't have strong tools and pets, this might be a rough journey for you. Nonetheless, some tips can definitely make life a little easier.

Where To Find Sand Dollar

Start digging deep into the brand-new mines that can be found on the new island. To unlock this island, you will need to first mine a million blocks and unlock Space Travel. Since it doesn't require an additional upgrade to the Spaceship, you can head directly to the Summer Fair Island.

The surface Sand Ore blocks in the mine are already stacked up to 7,500 so if you don't have strong tools and bag space, it will take you a painfully long time to actually reach the required depth. These are followed by blocks stacked up to 9,000, then 12,500, then 28,000, and finally 35,000.

Once you reach around the depth of 840 meters, Sand Dollars will slowly start appearing. As you go further and pass the 900-meter mark, they will be much more common. You can also get lucky and find open spaces with a ton of these ores littered around, waiting for you to farm them.

For the newer players, an easier way to reach the required depth would be to hop from server to server until you find one where someone has already done the job for you.

You can follow the path made by another player and continue further. This will make your job a lot easier.

How To Farm Sand Dollar Quickly

Even if you are one of the few who have managed to reach the required depth and have strong enough tools to easily break the heavily stacked blocks, you might not want to spend the amount of time required to find these ores normally. You'd be there for hours, mining the blocks and hoping some Sand Dollar pop up.

There's a better alternative for this. After reaching the required depth, just get into any one of the tiny blocks and zoom your screen out all the way. After that, just move your screen around, and you will eventually see an overview of the surrounding mine. Here, you can look for the ore you need.

Once spotted, go towards that direction and get the ore. You can repeat the process as much as you want. Your character doesn't need to directly be looking at the ore to farm it. You can get it from the overview section itself even if there are a few blocks between you and the ore.

The game has a feature called enchantment that can also help you get more ore. Head over to the items section and find your tool inside it.

Click on the tool, and you will see an option to Enchant it. Here, you'll find an Ore Duplicator enchantment that can help you get more than one ore from a single block.

NEXT: Roblox: How To Get Starfish In Mining Simulator 2