The Primo Geovishap is a boss introduced in version 1.4 of Genshin Impact. He was the first boss of his type released and is considered to be one of the most difficult battles in the game. Players can't just rely on running in with a strong DPS to subdue this boss. In addition, players that pulled Hu Tao and Xiao need to beat him several times in order to fully ascend their characters.

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While this may seem like a rather inconvenient task at first, the Primo Geovishap is actually pretty easy to handle once you begin to understand his glaring weak point.

Primo Geovishap Prep

The Primo Geovishap is a pretty annoying boss, especially the first time a player fights him. Like with other bosses, ensure that you have dishes cooked that will help you out in battle. If this is one of your first few times fighting him, chances are the fight will be a bit long, so be sure to create a few extra buff dishes. Once you get to the actual boss, don't jump straight down to attack him.

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You are going to want to observe him and see what element he currently is using. The Primo Geovishap can be hydro, electro, pyro, or cryo. To know which element he is using, look at his scales. You will want to build your party around this element. The most important thing to remember, though, is that you need a shield user in your party. Zhongli and Noelle are the best picks for this fight, but Diona, Xinyan, and Beidou will also get the job done just fine.

  • Ningguang's screen will not reflect the Primo Geovishap's Primordial Shower attack.

Primo Geovishap Moves

The Primo Geovishap has a mix of both close-range and long-range attacks. When you are close to the boss, he will attempt to claw at you and then slam himself into the ground to cause a small AoE. These are pretty easy to deal with as you are going to want to mostly use ranged attacks when fighting this boss. He also has a tail swipe that you will need to watch out for, especially when trying to hit from behind.

The Primo Geovishap also has the ability to do a close-range elemental breath attack. This has a longer range than his claw or tail swipe attack and does a large chunk of damage. When you are far away from the boss, he will launch spine and tail missiles. The spine missiles simply fire out and explode. The tail missiles will fire and then stick into the ground for a short bit before exploding with elemental damage. Avoid these by staying out of the strike zone and moving away from the tail strikes.

His final normal move is digging underground when you are far away and charging towards you. This attack lets him get extremely close to your character; to avoid it, just keep sprinting away from him while he is emerging from the earth.

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The Primo Geovishap has an ultimate attack that he will perform several times throughout your fight called Primordial Shower. This is both a good and bad thing, and the game will always warn you to activate your shield before the attack. If you don't, you will take a massive amount of damage, and it will take a significant amount of time to take down the Primo Geovishap's massive health bar.

Using a shield and allowing his Primordial Shower to come into contact with it will send damage hurling back at the Primo Geovishap, taking a chunk out of his health bar. After he is below 10% health, he will use a smaller shower attack that you simply need to dodge.

Primo Geovishap Strategy

There are a few things you are really going to want to keep in mind when challenging this boss.

  • Pop Your Shield When Prompted
  • Bring a Bow User
  • Don't Get Close

Using a bow user is a huge help as getting close to the Primo Geovishap almost guarantees you will take a large chunk of damage, although shields can help. It's best to use an archer to attack him from a distance and trigger reactions when possible. Your main way of damaging him is going to be by countering his Primordial Shower.

  • The Primordial Geovishap has 4x the health of the Regisvines.

Due to this high health bar, it can take quite some time to defeat the boss without countering. This will also cause you to use an excessive amount of food items that you could have saved for other fights. The game will always prompt you to use your shield, regardless of how many times you have fought this boss.

Also, note that you can't damage the Primo Geovishap much by attacking him before he wakes up. The game is actually programmed to let him take reduced damage before and during awakening. Focus on dodging, countering, and dealing ranged damage to the boss when it's safe to do so.

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