The humble Berry has to be one of the sweetest items you can collect in Genshin Impact, in addition to being one of the more difficult to actually farm for. Unlike most materials, finding a berry to buy is a difficult ordeal, and narrowing down the best places where berries spawn isn’t too easy, either.

Luckily, we’re here, and yes, we’ve put together yet another incredibly helpful (at least, I hope so?) guide to help you find and buy more berries for whatever you need in Genshin Impact. Farming these precious fruits can be a difficult task, but hopefully, with the information in this guide you’ll be able to locate what you need quickly and easily. Or, at least more easily than usual, if nothing else.

If you’re completing events and making sure to gather Primogems for update 1.3 coming soon, then you should be sure to take a look at our guide for the Marvelous Merchandise event, and then get the lowdown on everything that is making its way into Genshin Impact 1.3 with our guide here.

Related: Genshin Impact: Pro Tips For Playing as Ganyu

Where To Buy Berry In Genshin Impact

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, you cannot buy berries from any vendor in Teyvat right now, no matter whether you scour Liyue or Mondstadt. There really is nothing to be found anywhere. Seriously, try every restaurant, every vendor, and there is nothing. No berries anywhere. Pokemon would never.

But that doesn’t mean this is permanent. It’s very possible that a vendor will be added in the future that gives you access to buying berries, but it’s just currently not an option. Cross you fingers, and you might find yourself buying berries from a vendor by the time patch 1.3 rolls around. Or maybe 1.4, at a push.

Locations To Farm Berry In Genshin Impact

Finally, we’re onto the content you need - where should you be going in order to find plenty of berries to stock up on in Genshin Impact? Well, we have the answers right here. The first location should be pretty obvious as it’s a good place to stop by when you’re short on any kind of vegetable, and its the Dawn Winery. Diluc’s winery has carrots and radishes growing in the nearby area, and berries are just another of the fruits and veggies you can uncover if you go searching nearby.

Another excellent way to find berries is to simply follow the paths around Mondstadt. If you stick to the Mondstadt area and simply follow the paths laid out on the map, you will regularly come across berries alongside the paths. Berry bushes always have at least three berries to collect at a time, which makes stocking up easy compared to many other items - you won’t be able to get fowl or raw meat with ease like this.

Exploring is always good, and this is a great way to grab berries. You can do it while farming for basic treasure chests and earning yourself some adventure rank experience!

Next: Everything You Need To Know About Marvelous Merchandise And Liben The Merchant In Genshin Impact